Prompt 19 : Enough Is Enough

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Subprompt : Repeatedly Passing Out
Fandom : Star Trek : Discovery
Pairing : Michael & Philippa
Chronology : During episode 1x01 in those three hours of Michael being knocked out that we didn't see

Eventually, the team was able to get Michael back on board the ship, but she was in critical condition. Burns littered her body, her vitals were all worryingly low, and a quick scan confirmed that she had a concussion. Philippa stood by her side as everyone did their best to aid in her recovery.

"Captain" Saru started, pulling her out of her spiraling thoughts. It was rare for her to spiral so, but she had grown to care about Michael over the years, so seeing her on the brink of death was distressing, to say the least. "She needs to be brought-"

"Captain!" Connor interrupted, a glint of hope in his eyes. "She's waking up"

Sure enough, they all looked over to see Michael's eyes flutter open briefly, looking around in a dazed confusion before she passed out again.

"She needs to be brought to the sickbay immediately" Saru finished after processing what just happened. Philippa nodded in agreement, waving Connor to find the medical staff.

A few more times, Michael came in and out of consciousness, easing Philippa's worries about her demise each time. If she was decent enough to be waking up even after everything, she would most likely make a speedy recovery.

"Conserve your energy, Commander Burnham" the Captain said gently during one of these glimpses. "You are a vital faction to our staff and we need your intel when you are better"

"Captain?" Michael muttered in confusion, her vision blurring as she once again lost consciousness.

"We'll get you help, Michael" Philippa assured, not even sure if the Commander could hear her at that moment. "I promise"

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