Prompt 14 : Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become A Villain

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Subprompt : Desperate Measures
Fandom : Arcane : League of Legends
Pairing : Jayce/Viktor
Chronology : Post-season 1
Warning : Ableism, neglect, arguments

Viktor hated everything. He hated the way he had to stand by after the explosion and comfort Jayce through the loss of everyone who had corrupted him. He hated the way he couldn't snap at Jayce for his neglect because that would be unbecoming. He hated the fact that he was the only one still working on anything within their company, but Jayce kept getting all the credit. More than anything, he absolutely loathed the simple fact that he didn't have the energy to stand up for himself.

"We did good work today, Viktor" Jayce would tell him after a full day of doing nothing but standing around and looking pretty while Viktor worked his ass off even though he needed rest. He was literally dying, and Jayce couldn't be bothered to lend a hand. "I can sense a breakthrough any day now"

Viktor tried to sabotage some of their creations, but each time he got close, Jayce mistook it as a careless mistake from him being tired and would retire him for the night, fixing it himself. It was so frustrating- Viktor felt like he was being seen as a child, but not in the sense that he got a break, no. Rather, he felt like one of the work kids in Silco's warehouses, but if Silco cared a little bit more about his own wellbeing.

One of these days, Viktor finally did snap. Because fuck it if he lost his place in Piltover. Fuck it if Jayce hated him. Fuck it if it wasn't entirely worth it when all was said and done- He was miserable, and he would rather lose everything by his own choice than die before he could say how he felt.


"We did good work-"

"No" Viktor cut him off harshly, taking his crutch and forcing himself into a standing position so he was more on level with the Councilor. Sure, he was still shorter, but at least now they were both standing. "I did good work" he corrected. "You didn't do shit and you haven't done shit since you were made a Councilor"

Jayce's face was one of surprise and confusion. Then anger. "Viktor, are you serious?" he asked, chuckling humorlessly. "I have been doing so much in the Council, trying to make the Undercity-"


"Whatever" Jayce grumbled. "I've been trying to give those people- Your people- More of a leg to stand on"

"Oh, and look how that worked out" Viktor taunted. "You said it yourself. You aren't fit to do that"

"I'm way closer than you ever would be. You can't even walk without a crutch" Jayce replied. He didn't even really mean it, he was just upset, but it solidified what Viktor was about to do.


"Wait, Viktor-"

"No" Viktor cut him off. "I'm done waiting for you" he replied. "I'm done. We're done"

"Vik" Jayce insisted, grabbing onto his arm. Viktor glared up at him.

"Let go of me" he demanded through gritted teeth. Jayce shook his head. He didn't want things to leave off like this. Viktor growled before taking a risk- He freed his crutch from under his arm, used Jayce's hold to keep him upright, then hit Jayce in the face as hard as he could with the crutch. The Councilor groaned in pain and fell back, letting go of Viktor, who fell to the ground with a cough. He was in so much pain, but he found his crutch again and forced himself to his feet, spat on Jayce, and left.

He was done being ignored.

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