Prompt 28.5 : Emergency Blanket

9 0 0

Fandom : Brokeback Mountain (movie - 2005)
Chronology : Post-canon
Warnings : Major character death, suicide, freezing

Ennis went up on Brokeback Mountain for one last time.

It was the thick of winter and the snow was at its peak. He knew it wasn't necessarily safe to be up there, but he didn't even care at that point. He'd lost all his will to live the moment he got the news of what happened to Jack.

He brought an emergency blanket in his bag. It wasn't even a conscious choice to do as such- It had just been in his bag- But, he found himself slightly relieved when he came across it. He could survive if he so desired.

However, as the snow built and built and his body temperature got lower and lower, he found no urge to take the blanket out.

And so he didn't.

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