PART 19 "Accepted??"

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Jing-Xiu: Speak slowly we don't want to wake up the entire mansion.

She said and took her hand away from his mouth.

Jin: You didn't eat for the whole day. Come on let me make you something.

Jing-Xiu shook her head.

Jing-Xiu: I'm not in a mood to eat.


In morning

Mrs Kim entered inside Jing-Xiu's room and she screamed as she saw Jing-Xiu sitting on her bed.

Mrs Kim: D-doll??

Jing-Xiu looked at her blankly.

Her gaze move towards a figure who was sleeping on the big couch. Her eyes widened as she realised that it was Jin.

Mrs Kim: Is it Jin??

Jin woke up due to the chaos going inside the room. As he woke up he found himself in an unfamiliar room then he realised how he slept in Jing-Xiu's room as he was very tired. He looked at Mrs Kim and smiled cheekily.

Jin: G-good morning Ms L- Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim looked at him dumbfounded.

Jin saw how he was covered with a blanket he looked at Jing-Xiu who was just in her thoughts. He smiled internally. He knew it was Jing-Xiu he loved her small gestures towards him and his brothers.

As Mrs Kim screamed loudly Mr Kim and the others entered inside the room along with Dong Wook.

Mr Kim: What happened hon-

He stopped at his place as he saw Jing-Xiu sitting on her bed looking all of them with a cold face.

Mr Kim: Jing-Xiu you are awake???

He asked her and she just nodded.

Dong Wook saw Jing-Xiu and ran towards her. He checked her head to toe to make sure she is fine his heart broke seeing her condition again. How she had dark circles around her eyes, her even more paler skin worried him.

Dong Wook: Xiu-ahhhh???

He said and Jing-Xiu looked towards him. Her eyes had some warmness after seeing him. She knew Dong Wook was a sensitive person and clearly his red eyes told that he cried.

She slowly moved her hand towards his cheek and rubbed it.

Jing-Xiu: You cried??

Jing-Xiu looked at Dong Wook still rubbing his cheeks. Dong Wook couldn't look at her as he knew he would cry.

Jing-Xiu: I'm fine.

She said and this time everyone was shocked even Dong Wook himself, her voice carried softness with her, she didn't gave any expressions but her voice was enough to make Dong Wook smile.

And in the next second some tears left his eyes as he hugged Jing-Xiu, but carefully as he didn't wanted to hurt her injuries.

Dong Wook: You idiot, do you have any idea how worried I was??

Jing-Xiu in response rubbed his back soothingly to make him stop crying.

Jing-Xiu: You are making my clothes dirty, now get up and act like a man.

She pushed Dong Wook and he looked at her before giving his signature cheeky smile.

Dong Wook: I know you care for me Xiu-ahhh.

He said gave her finger hearts to which she only rolled her eyes.

Next was Mrs Kim. She came forward and looked at her daughter before balling like a baby. Jing-Xiu took her mother into her arms and patted her back.

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