PART 21 "Secret?? What Secret??"

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She knew who it was.

Cha Eunwoo.

She looked back and her crimson eyes met his dark ones. For a moment there was just silence. Both of their eyes spoke with each other.

They quickly realised and both of them broke the eye contact.

Jing-Xiu: What are you doing here??

She said again making her poker face.

Eunwoo: I was just passing by.

Jing-Xiu: Who gave you permission to enter in my room??

She said separating herself from his grip.

Eunwoo: I should have just let you fall.

He muttered to himself but she heard it, Jing-Xiu glared at Eunwoo.

Jing-Xiu: Keep your tongue inside if you don't want me to pull it out.

She said before going forward taking small steps.

Jing-Xiu: Get Out.

She said not looking at him as she just heard door closing.

She sighed and tried to walk again but fall.

Jing-Xiu: Fuck!!!

She said as she held her hair in frustration. She just hated to be seated in one place.

Just then she heard her door opening. She thought it was Eunwoo and shouted.

Jing-Xiu: Didn't I said you before GET OUT!!!

She shouted in frustration while holding her head she was not in her right mind right now and didn't wanted anyone to see it.

Jimin: Noona???

She realised it was one of her brothers.

Jing-Xiu: Get Out.

This time she said a little bit with patience that was running out in every second.

Jin: Are you ok?? Why are you on the floor your wounds-

He said coming forward but was stopped by Jing-Xiu

Jing-Xiu: Leave.

She said while being done with the pain she is feeling right now. But her stubborn brothers won't go. They were still standing there like she never said anything.

Namjoon: Look if you are upset with us or something-

Jing-Xiu: I....Am....Not.

She said pressuring each word.

Her vision was blurry. Her crimson eyes were full red leaving no white in them because of her tears that she was holding. As she was almost about to collapse someone entered inside the room.

Dong Wook: Guys your dad is calling you in living room urgently.

He said and the boys looked at each other before nodding and going out of there.

Dong Wook then locked the door and ran towards Jing-Xiu.

Dong Wook: H-hey are you okay??

He said holding her shoulders and looking at her horrible state.

He carried her to her bed.

He saw how tears were running down her face but she just stayed silent he couldn't even how much it is hurting her right now.

Jing-Xiu: It hurts.

She said calmly looking at him. He caressed her hairs and said.

Dong Wook: It will be fine.

He said. As he came out of his thoughts he asked.

Dong Wook: Where are your medicines??

He said and Jing-Xiu pointed towards a drawer. He quickly took put some medicines from there.

Dong Wook: Here.

He said and gave her medicines.


After sometime as she was feeling little better.

Dong Wook: How are you feeling now??

Jing-Xiu: Hmm. Fine.

She said with her usual poker face and cold tone.

Dong Wook: And again you are being you.

He said.

Jing-Xiu: Enough with your drama.

Dong Wook: Fine, Lets move on to serious talk.

He said turning into his serious mood.

Jing-Xiu nodded.

Dong Wook: What happened??

Jing-Xiu: I was in the car and She called me.

Dong Wook: I knew she was involved.

Jing-Xiu nodded her head.

Dong Wook: So??

Jing-Xiu: So What. You have enough sense to think what happened.

She said looking at him boringly. Dong Wook nodded.

Dong Wook: So, how are your injuries??

Jing-Xiu: Never been better.

She said looking at him.

Jing-Xiu: Dong Wook??

Dong Wook: Hmm??

Jing-Xiu: I want you to keep this a secret.

Dong Wook: To keep from whom??

Jing-Xiu: From Mother. She shouldn't know about this.

She said.

Dong Wook: And what about your brothers??

Jing-Xiu looked at him.

Jing-Xiu: Didn't thought about it.

She said.

Dong Wook: You care about them. Don't you??

He said looking towards Jing-Xiu with a soft smile.

Jing-Xiu just stayed silent.

Dong Wook: You cared about them since the day you met them.

He said.


Jungkook was outside Jing-Xiu's room listening to their conversation but he couldn't hear it at all. All he heard was mumbles. But he heard one thing.

Jungkook: Secret?? What Secret??
Hey lovelies I seriously don't know what I'm even writing so yeah😁😁😁😁. My exams are finally over but I'll not be able to post twice a month as you know I'm literally running out of idea so yeah I'll be posting once a week now. Hope you understand. 😊😊😊😊

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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