PART 22 "Whats The Problem"

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He said with his hands on his hips and looking at her talking like her father.

She looked at him and said.

Jing-Xiu: I need time to think.

Dong Wook scoffed and looked at her with disappointed look.

Dong Wook: Seriously you need time?? You clearly adore these boys.

Jing-Xiu stayed silent and moved her attention towards her room's terrace.

Jing-Xiu: Pick me up.

She said out of the blue and Dong Wook looked at her for a while, he then supported her and she got towards the terrace.

For the first time she went to the room's terrace she observed it.

It was a small and a very beautiful terrace. It had many plants Mostly roses different kinds of roses, Black, White, Pink, Red. It had hanging plants from the ceiling and had a swing with a blanket. Two chairs with a small size table and some lights for the night.

As she was observing the terrace Dong Wook was observing her.

Dong Wook: Beautiful isn't it.

Jing-Xiu tilted her head towards him a little indicating that she is listening to him.

Dong Wook: Aunt must have told her that you liked plants mostly roses.

This time she completely turned her head towards him.

Jing-Xiu: Don't you think we should go.

Dong Wook looked at her with a confused face.

Dong Wook: Go where??

Jing-Xiu: Home.

She simply said.

Dong Wook shook his head.

Dong Wook: You call that place home??

He said clearly not wanting to go to his old house.

Dong Wook: Xiu. Why are you destroying everything again.

He said this time with a sad voice.

Jing-Xiu looked at him as he said it. He was right she thought. But she didn't want to believe it. She wanted to believe what her mind was telling her to. But somewhere in her mind a voice was telling her. "Yes she is destroying everything again".

Dong Wook spoke again.

Dong Wook: Why are you doing this to yourself Xiu. See you have everything now. You have a family.

He said and this was his voice was soft.

Dong Wook: You can live here with them and have a proper family. You don't have to live alone now. You have a mother a father and brothers not only one but seven brothers who are accepting you. You can finally be happy.

Jing-Xiu looked at him with her bloodshot red eyes it was like staring into satan's eyes there were many emotions there. Anger,Sorrow,Hurt.

It was like she herself was confused.

Eventually she move passed him limping and sat on her bed.

Dong Wook: I'll be in my room.

He said and went outside as he knew she wanted some time and locked the door from inside before going.

As Dong Wook went Jing-Xiu's tears escaped her eyes. And her frustration came out in the form of anger she stood up wiped her tears harshly and smashed a vase on the ground.

She went completely crazy and started shattering things everything. She shouted in frustration. She was angry. Angry with herself. In her point of view she was not allowed to feel she hated when she felt something for someone even if its anger. She hated it hated herself hated her heart to make her feel like this. She felt useless.

Jing-Xiu: Fuck-fuck-fuck.

She mumbled and threw more things. No matter what she do her feelings were coming out. The feelings she was supposed to close for everyone. But she couldn't.
She continued to smash things-


Taehyung was passing through Jing-Xiu's room and heard loud noises. First he thought there was some intruder so he was about to pull his gun out from his waistband. But stopped as he saw others also coming towards the direction if Jing-Xiu's room.

Jin: What happened??

Jin said as he came out of his room hearing the loud voices.

(Ok the thing is the boys and Jing-Xiu has tthe rooms on the same floor along with Dong Wook as he said he has to be near Jing-Xiu all the time and if they will not give him room he will sleep in Jing- Xiu's room. None the less they had to agree to keep Dong Wook on the same floor😁😁)

Others were standing there discussing when Dong Wook came running and started banging on Jing-Xiu's room.

Dong Wook: Xiu???

He started banging more loudly but nothing changed the voices of broken furniture started to fade away and there were just silence no one spoke.

In Jing-Xiu's room

Jing-Xiu: I can never be happy.

She said to herself feeling sorry for her own self.

"I can never be happy"

"She can never let me be happy"

"I'll always be a broken doll that can never be fixed"

"I don't deserve to be happy"

"I am not allowed to feel"

"Not allowed to be loved or to love"

She said closing her eyes-
Hey lovelies hope you all are doing fine. And I know I've not been posting regularly and don't if I'll be able to do it. But I'm not holding this story. Just be posting in week or two so be happy and be safe❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Thanks for reading❤️❤️❤️

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