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chapter ninety two.


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' 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔. '
corpus christi medical hospital ━━━ corpus christi, texas !

   "Milani, Milani. Milani . . ." The woman's eyes shot open within an instant. The confusion was purely ridden on the woman's face upon her surroundings.

The faint voices continued to speak around her, causing her entire body to spin in circular motion.

"Milani." The voice clearer than ever, to which caused the woman to grow overly emotional. The woman turned on her feet, where'd she seen Tupac and Kennedy in white attire, standing side by side.

"This isn't real . . . there's no way. There's no absolute way that this is happening . . ." Milani shook her head in pure denial.

"Oh—it's happening, alright." Kennedy assured, placing her hand upon her hip. "We seen what happened. What has or had gotten into you, girl?"

Milani was instant to rush over to her best friends, her arms wrapped around their body. Their touch — the touch that felt all to real.

Upon her unexpected dash to their fugues, the two had stumbled back the slightest. However, Tupac rubbed the small part of her backside against Kennedy's slight chuckle.

"Where am I?" The woman questioned, sniffling softly. "That should be the least of your worries . . . answer our question, why'd you do that? Why'd you try to take your life? Why'd you do that, Mil?"

The three had eventually pulled apart, to which Milani sighted the pure frustration and sympathetic
look Tupac had.

Although, above that all — the two had looked the best they'd ever been in Milani's eyes. The woman assumed to which they had free; free of stress, free of pain — to which, she wished she had been.

"Because . . . I'm drained, Pac. You don't understand, I can't understand why everything's happened to me. I lost both of you, my best friends, how is that fair?"

"It's the way life is, Mil . . . we have no control. Your time isn't up, and—" The man began to say ahead of Milani's interruption. "I want it to be."

"No . . . no, you don't. And you shouldn't wish that upon yourself either. You've got so much shit to live for . . . you've got boutiques to market, you've got notebooks on top of notebooks to sings upon, and more to write about . . . you've got an outstanding career and more importantly, you've got kids. They need their mother, our goddaughter needs you. I can't let you leave her stranded . . ."

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