I : The Crusade

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If you've read the books, you know how the universe is. These mythical deities known as Greek gods are real and they very much exist. They watch over the mortal world and sometimes even 'mingle' with mortals.

With that, existed demigods. Demigods have been around for centuries, since the beginning of the Greek civilization back in something something B.C. Some of those demigods live out to become famous people like Hercules, Perseus, Abraham Lincoln and Michael Jackson to name a few.

That last one was a son of Apollo.

Throughout the year, the existence of demigods are kept secret because mortals have trouble accepting the fact that some people are more special than them. Plus a clash between the two groups would not be pretty.

And yet, that is exactly what happens.

After the war with Gaia, Percy thought finally he was given a break. Finally he gets to spend some time with Annabeth. Finally, the world isn't under the threat of some homicidal deity.

And yet, the Fates figured that they could twist Percy's fate in a way that it would affect everything and the very foundation of the modern Greek civilization.

Scratch that, even the Fates couldn't come up with something so malicious. They wouldn't because their existence depends on it.

It all first started when a demigod was in a fight with a Hellhound down at Central Park. Normally, as routine as it could be, the Mist would distort the visions of mortals to hide the mythical world from the mortal consciousness. Except for the very few mortals who could see through the Mist, most won't even bat an eye to such an incident because of the Mist.

However, the Mist failed the demigods for the first time ever when everyone caught the incident in cameras to which it made nationwide attention.

The second incident when a Cyclops barged into a Dunkin Donut store and started to empty out the menu. The Mist was supposed to cover that up as well. Again, an incident like this normally wouldn't be a problem because the Mist would distort mortal vision and make them see things that are comprehensible to the mortal mind.

When the incident made it into the news, people started speculating as they usually do.

"It was bigfoot."

"It was aliens."

"It was part of a government experiment."

All kinds of theories and speculations popped up all over the Internet. However, one of them became more viral than the rest.

"Heathen gods."

At the appearance of hellhounds, cyclopes, and other monsters of the Greek mythologies, people quickly put two and two together, concluding that other gods exist, other than the main ones that they believe in.

When this happened, Olympus went into DEFCON 1. Everyone pointed fingers at Hecate. She's the Goddess of the Mist. It was her duty to make sure that the Mist acts the way as it's supposed to. But Hecate denied that she did anything wrong in her job.

When asked in a meeting, Hecate said that she had no idea why this was happening. By her description, the Mist simply "didn't want to do its job". It was as if the Mist was an entity of its own.

This was later proven when no one had any power of the Mist. No gods could manipulate it, demigods had no control over it. It was as if, like Hecate said, the Mist had stopped working.

By the time the gods and demigods tried to do anything, it was too late.

The existence of the mythical Greek world has been exposed bare for the world to see.

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