XVII : Lightning's Legacy

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As soon as that massive lightning bolt struck, Thalia knew in her gut that it was her father's lightning bolt, although it was only a fraction of its power.

"Move in, now. Signal the others." Thalia said as the trio made her move. Reyna nodded and whistled loudly at the Hunters when they were outside.

The whistle was replied by another whistle, some distance away. Then another, and another, noting that every group heard the signal.

They rendezvous at the gathering point near the eastern border of the perimeter, where it would be the closest for them to get to the prisoner, according to Scarlet.

Thalia did a quick headcount. There were a few more who were on their way, but they were good to go.

"Here's where we break in." Thalia gestured at the cement wall. "Stand back while I-" Thalia was about to blast the door open when the wall started to crumble into dust at the center. The crumbling began to spread in a spiral motion until there's a perfectly shaped hole in the wall, enough for the to enter one by one.

And at the other end, they were greeted by Scarlet.

"Miss me?" Scarlet grinned.

Thalia wouldn't exactly say she was thankful, but she's glad that Scarlet made the job easier. "Why are you here? Where's Percy?" Thalia asked as she got inside.

"He's busy entertaining everyone." Scarlet said with a concerned look on her face, much to Thalia's surprise. Though she had trouble determining if it was sincere or not.

"Is he okay?" Reyna asked once she got through the hole.

"He's alive." Scarlet said. "Wouldn't exactly say he's okay."

"You son of a-"

"Relax." Thalia held Reyna back. "Save your energy."

"She's right." Scarlet said, although she didn't seem intimidated by Reyna's anger. "Follow this path and you'll find yourself in the prison section. There will be a lot of doors, so you're gonna have to figure out how to break in. I gave my keycard to Percy, so I can't help you out there."

Thalia maintains eye contact with Scarlet for a short while. "If you betray us . . ."

"Oh please." Scarlet rolled her eyes. "If I betrayed you, Percy wouldn't have gone out. Now go, I'll stall the guards." Scarlet said before she exited the room through the other way.

Thalia didn't notice it before, but the room that they were in looked like the main control room or security room. There were cameras panning the entire facility with a few of them being broken, showing only static feedback.

"Let's get everyone in. We don't have time to waste." Thalia said urgently. Reyna nodded as she helped everyone in the room.

Line Break

The hallway that Scarlet nudged them towards was surprisingly straightforward. They ran straight for a while then the paths split into two. Either toilet, or prison.

They went to the prison.

There were a few encounters and skirmishes, but it was nothing that they couldn't handle. Thalia led the charge as they finally made their way to the holding area.

The area looked like a quarantine center. Thalia was standing on an elevated platform and below them were dozens of cubic rooms that were undoubtedly prison cells. There were several guards patrolling. Even though the alarm was blaring, they had not left their station.

But again, it was nothing that they couldn't handle.

"This is it, people. Take out the guards and free our friends." Thalia said. Everyone nodded in agreement and jumped in.

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