XXV : Silver Lining

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Thalia had managed to build a makeshift vantage point at the top of the ice wall, so Percy could get a clear view of the outside world.

There was an army outside waiting for them. Mercenaries, Crusaders, government soldiers, and even news reporters giving live coverage and updates to the whole world watching.

There were tents being set up. Vehicles that carried missiles were parked in various places. Percy even saw a couple of fighter jets flew above them at high speed, probably just scouting the area

Percy's not one for attention, so having this much people all going after him was making him nervous. Added with the fact that they wanted to kill him and his friends just adds to his anxiety.

And the cold feeling he felt a few hours ago was still at the back of his head. What was it? It was as if Death itself had grabbed Percy's spine and threatened to snap it.

He tried to not think about it too much. There were more pressing matters for now.

If he, Thalia, and Nico wanted to, they could wipe out this army entirely. They were three of the most powerful demigods in existence right now. They are children of the Big Three. If they relied on brute force, this was an easy victory.

But Percy was against it. Not only him, but if he presented the idea to Nico and Thalia they would be against it as well.

Not only would they kill the thousands of mortals in front of them, but they would also kill themselves for using too much of their powers and probably the Resistance as well since they're in the blast radius.

Percy didn't need that in his conscience. Despite what happened between them and mortals, he still hoped for a peaceful solution. Enough blood has been spilled.

The enemy could've started attacking if they wanted to. They had the numbers advantage, they had all their weapons and preparations ready.

The only thing stopping them from attacking was Shura. He commanded everything. Since he's still not attacking, Percy figured he wanted something from them.

Maybe it's the masterbolt, or maybe he has a different agenda. Either way, Percy couldn't let Shura have his way. The guy was insane.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Perseus." A voice said next to him. It was Athena, standing on nothing. As a goddess, it wasn't a surprise that she could float in mid-air but Percy genuinely thought that she was going to fall and panicked a little for a second.

When Percy calmed down, he sighed. "Honestly, I don't know." Percy admitted. "From what I see, we're in a stalemate right now."

Athena nodded. "Which tells us that they're waiting for something."

"Shura's orders. There's a reason he's not attacking."

Again, Athena nodded in agreement. "The only weakness in the enemy is the lack of information. Your side has a variety of powers in your arsenal and there are some that they don't know of. Aside from that, they have every advantage possible. If Shura is not attacking, there could be two possibilities."

"He wants to negotiate for peace." Percy said. "Which is unlikely."

"Very unlikely." Athena said. "The other possibility is that there's something here that he wants."

Percy nodded in agreement. "Any ideas what it might be?"

Athena shrugged. "I might be a genius, but I'm not an oracle. If I had to guess, he could be here for the masterbolt."

Percy thought about it. "I don't think he's that kind of person."

"From what you've told me about him, I don't think he is either." Athena said. "But it's still a very high probability."

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