IV : Hearth's Blessing

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"This is gonna be loud." Thalia said as she inched away from Percy while covering her ears. He was holding the Revolver he confiscated previously in an awkward manner. He had no experience in firing a gun, so what he's doing is purely based on what he saw in the movies only.

"We've scoured the perimeter." Percy said. "There's no Crusaders or monsters within miles, right?"

"Yeah, but still." Thalia looked at him worryingly. "I don't know what to think about you holding a gun."

"Never a better time to learn a new skill." Percy grinned. "Now, how do I-" He accidentally pressed the trigger as the gun fired with a very loud bang. He flinched so hard that he dropped the gun immediately. "Holy fuck!"

"CAREFUL!" Thalia shouted. "What's the matter with you?!"

Percy gingerly picked up the Revolver. "Okay, so I just fire, right?"

"Don't ask me." Thalia said as she covered her ears with her hands again. "My expertise are bows and arrows."

Percy grumbled as he aimed at the target that Thalia had prepared. He closed one eye and tried to line up the barrel of the gun with the center of the target.

The keyword here is tried.

He fired again and this time, the recoil made him jump and drop the gun again. "Why is this thing so goddamn loud?!"

"You missed it as well." Thalia mused.

"Shut up." Percy grumbled. "I was not good with a bow either. This is nothing new."

"I think guns are easier." Thalia remarked.

Percy ignored her and went for another go. He took a deep breath and aimed the gun towards the target. This time, he braced himself for the recoil and strengthened his grip. He fired the gun and he still missed.

"Hey, at least you didn't drop the gun this time." Thalia smirked. "Baby steps."

Percy groaned. "I'd take a sword over this any day." He picked up the gun and put it in his holster, one that he got off from one of the Crusaders. "I suck with ranged weaponry."

"I think you just suck in general." Thalia grinned.

"Thanks," Percy grumbled.

"So, any plans?" Thalia asked.

Percy thought about it for a moment. "Well, if we're gonna do this, we're gonna need a lot more people. We're currently understaffed."

Thalia nodded in agreement. "And a lot more weapons. The "mortal-killing" kind."

"Have you heard anything from Jason?" Percy asked.

Thalia shook her head. "The UN Summit was the last I've heard of him. Haven't heard from him since."

"I see." Percy said. "Well, shall we?"

"Shall we what?"

"Go to San Francisco. Let's check on Camp Jupiter."

Thalia stared at him for a silent five seconds, as if she was waiting for the punchline. "You're kidding."


"Two things. One, we don't even know if they're even there. Two, that place could be surrounded with Crusaders. And like you said, we're understaffed and in case you didn't notice, we're on the other side of the country." Thalia lists.

"That's more than two things." Percy pointed out.


"Look," Percy explained. "I know it's a longshot. But right now, I really don't have any other plan. We need more people and unless you can find a way to contact the Romans or Amazons or Egyptians right now, I'd be happy to listen."

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