VI : Hope's Glimmer

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The one positive thing Percy could take from all of this mythological disarray is the fact that he had no more of those premonition dreams that demigods always get whenever the gods wanted them to do something.

It was safe to say that his sleep was uneventful.

He woke up in a daze with a light beaming down his face. He groaned as he woke up and winced when the pain got a bit too much all of a sudden.

"Steady." He heard a voice say. His vision was still blurry so he had trouble seeing, but he knew whose voice it was.

"Thalia?" Percy called.

Thalia helped Percy sit up straight as his vision cleared. He was in a surprisingly fancy bedroom. It looked like the inside of a royal mansion. Everything was colored in gold and white. The dresser looked fancy, the chairs looked fancy, heck even the air smelled fancy. If Percy had to imagine how Zeus's bedroom looked, it would've looked something like this.

"You were hurt pretty bad." Thalia's voice was a mixture of concern and relief. "You've been out for almost two weeks."

Thalia looked different. She no longer looked rugged and exhausted like how when he first met her. She looked more well-rested and clean.

"You're looking good." Percy muttered. "Two weeks?"

Thalia nodded. "After the Resistance pulled us out, you were in bad condition. And I mean bad condition. It was like 'your face needed surgery' type of condition."

"I got it." Percy grumbled. "What resistance are you talking about?"

Thalia smirked. "She can explain. I'll tell her you're awake. In the meantime, there's food on the dresser and a bathroom to shower in." Thalia stood up and left the room.

At the mention of food, Percy's stomach started growling. He looked over at the dresser and there was a silver tray of breakfast and hot chocolate. He wolfed it down in an instant, which was understandable since he was in a coma for like two weeks.

After the relishing meal, he slid his legs out of bed. Surprisingly, he was in blue silk pyjamas. How he got into his clothes, he had no idea. When his bare feet touched the marble floor, Percy recoiled at the floor's coldness. As Percy tried to stand up on his own, his legs trembled. He started to walk one step at a time, using the dresser for support. Eventually, he got used to it and was able to get into the bathroom in one piece.

When Percy looked in the mirror, he was shocked. The two weeks he'd been sleeping, he knew that his injuries had been healing.

But he didn't realize how bad it was until he saw it for himself.

His left eye was bandaged, along with his torso, arms and shoulders. His body was bruised and cut everywhere and he looked like he hadn't eaten for days, which was probably the case.

Percy wondered how bad he'd looked before they found him.

Thanks to a relieving hot bath and the water, he regained most of his strength pretty quickly. It was the best shower he had in a very long time. He walked out of the bathroom to find some casual clothes waiting for him. He got dressed and reapplied the bandages himself.

As he was done getting dressed, Thalia entered with another person. She was dressed in jean shorts, combat boots, a purple shirt with a brown leather vest on top of it. Her cropped hair was dressed with a single feather as her hairpin. Her kaleidoscope eyes seemed to go on forever as Percy . . .


"Piper?" Percy exclaimed. Piper smirked when she saw him.

"Heyo," She waved. Percy walked over and gave her a big hug.

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