VIII : Taking Initiative

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"Since when did they become close?" Percy could hear Thalia asking Piper.

"I honestly don't know." Piper shrugged. Percy understood their confusion. He was in a sparring match with Reyna in swordsmanship.

That morning, Percy decided to go and train. When he got to the training room, Reyna was already there on a treadmill. They talked for a while before deciding to improve on their swordsmanship.

"You know," Percy grunted as he parried one of Reyna's swings. "If you have time to talk then you have time to get better."

Percy pushed Reyna's sword away and lunged. She twirled out of the way and used the momentum to propel Percy forward, but Percy stopped himself and spun around with his sword. Reyna caught it with her own sword mid-swing.

"And we're just training." Reyna huffed. "There's nothing wrong with training."

"Training." Thalia said. "Suuuuuure." Thalia and Piper said simultaneously.

Seeing the chance, Percy used his leg to trip Reyna causing her to tumble to the mat with a yelp. He then aimed the wooden sword at her throat. "I win." Percy said with a smile while panting.

Reyna grumbled but smiled. Percy helped her up while the sideline duo watched them intently. "This looks weird." Thalia said.

"It feels weird." Piper said.

"Don't you two have anything better to do?" Percy asked with exasperation.

"We're waiting for you to get breakfast." Thalia grinned. "If you're done sweating on each other."

"You're making it weird." Percy glared at her. Thalia just stuck her tongue out at her. Reyna sighed.

"Piper, tell her to go to get breakfast." Reyna said.

"Why should I?"

"Or I'll tell everyone that you once had a crush on-" Reyna couldn't finish her sentence as Piper stopped her.

"Okay, okay, okay, I get it!" Piper said.

Line Break

"I thought we promised that you wouldn't charmspeak us." Thalia grumbled. "You said you'd stop after the last time you asked me to dump my yogurt on Carter."

"Took hours to get that cream out of my hair." Carter muttered.

"Reyna told me to do it." Piper said.

"Ooh, so it's Reyna's fault?"


"Not hearing it." Thalia said as she covered her ears to avoid her charmspeak. "La la la la la la."

Piper just rolled her eyes as they enjoyed their breakfast. Percy looked at Reyna. "You said the Crusaders are getting closer, right?"

Reyna nodded. "Our scouts have detected some of their activities a few hundred miles from here. They're getting closer as we speak."

"How many?" Percy asked.

"Not sure. But they usually tend to move in small groups and never too far from their base. So if you see them, there's a base nearby." Reyna said.

"I see." Percy could sense the plan formulating in his head. "By any chance, are there any weapons that I can use besides this butter knife?"

Reyna eyed him warily. "What are you planning?"

"Hm?" Percy played dumb.

"Are you planning on going to face those Crusaders?"

"Right now I'm asking if we have any usable weapons." Percy said. He noticed that Carter, Thalia, and Piper were too busy talking about something else so it was just him and Reyna who were speaking in hushed tones.

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