XXI : War Declaration

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They barely had time to prepare when the first shot was fired. The magicians and Hecate demigods did a very good job on the barrier, since it was bulletproof. But Percy doubted it would hold them out very long.

Percy ran towards the edge of the camp to see a convoy of armored vehicles rolling towards them. Some exploded along the way, engulfed in Greek Fire or magically turned into camels. But the rest were still barrelling through.

"We need to force them to go on foot." Carter said. "Any ideas?"

Percy grabbed Thalia. "Follow my lead." Percy said as he rushed forward. As he ran, the sky darkened at a rapid pace. As the sky darkened, thunder rumbled in the distance. Percy grinned at the thought of Thalia following him.

The rain soon poured down heavily as Percy and Thalia rushed forward in their personal thunderstorm. Lightning struck all around him, accompanied with heavy rainfall. Some of the vehicles skidded out of control, trying to avoid the lightning strikes. Others actually got hit by lightning which caused them to explode.

Percy waded towards the nearest one he could find and he struck with all his might. Their vehicles may be bulletproof, but it proved surprisingly useless against Celestial Bronze. The glass shattered into a million pieces as Percy kicked the driver as hard as he could, knocking him out. The car started to swerve out of control. Percy jumped to safety as the vehicle tumbled around before stopping upside down.

"Halt!" One of them shouted. "We'll go on foot!"

That was surprisingly easy.

"Percy! Thalia! Can you hear me?" Carter's voice played in his head.

"Carter?" Percy turned around, thinking he was behind him.

"I'm using magic to speak with the two of you. We'll communicate like this for now to strategize better."

"I don't need the Kelp Head's voice in my head when I'm in battle." Thalia argued. Her voice was clear in Percy's head.

"Shut up." Percy said.

"I didn't do this so you two could argue." Carter said. "Listen, we can't leave the camp's barrier or we will be gunned down. So stick with long range attacks."

"I hate ranged combat." Percy grumbled as he retreated back behind his allies.

"That's because you suck at archery." Thalia said. Percy then heard a very loud whistle coming somewhere from his left. Then another loud whistle, responding to the first one. Soon, a hail of arrows started to rain down on the Crusaders.

"Incoming!" Percy heard one of them shout. Most of the arrows hit their targets while some missed. Some were only mildly injured while some were dead. "Return fire!"

"Everybody brace!" Percy shouted. All kinds of magic and spells flew out, putting layers upon layers of protection for the Resistance from the incoming bullets. The barrage of bullets bounced off harmlessly against their barriers.

"This won't hold." One of the magicians said to Percy. "We can't keep this up forever. They have more ammunition than we have the energy for magic."

Percy cursed under his breath. He had an idea, but it would take a lot of energy and concentration. The rain will help, but he will be rendered defenceless after this.

"Thalia!" Percy called.

"Don't shout!" Thalia spoke in his head. "We're still connected, dummy."

"Oh, sorry." Percy said. "I have a plan, but I need time."

Thalia didn't question any further. "How long?"

"As much as you can give me." Percy said. "After this, I won't be able to fight."

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