VII : Guilty Memories

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Percy half-expected to be sitting down in a military style fashion where they discuss strategy in a serious tone.

But he didn't expect the meeting to be held in front of dozens of people where they discuss things similar to a forum session.

"Uh, I thought you said this was a meeting?" Percy whispered to Piper.

"It's more of a public hearing than a meeting." Piper shrugged.

They were sitting on leather seats in front of dozens of people who were sitting on stone bleachers that surrounded them. The atmosphere reminded Percy of Camp Jupiter's senate room, where the leaders would discuss in the middle of the room while the others sat around them and voiced their opinion.

To Percy's right was Thalia who looked bored out of her mind, and his left was Piper. To the other side of her was Reyna, Monique, Rachel, and a surprisingly familiar face.

"Carter?" Percy squinted at the curly haired boy.

Carter leaned forward with a grin. "Heya."

"I haven't seen you in a while now." Percy said. He noticed that Sadie, his sister, wasn't here with her. He wanted to ask, but he decided to wait until later just in case the worst-case scenario happens.

"Yeah, it's been a while." Carter said. "Talk to you after the meeting?"

Percy nodded before he leaned back on his couch. The meeting room was fully enclosed with bright white lights coming down from the ceiling. Even though everyone was talking in whispers, Percy felt like he could hear what everyone was talking about if he strained his ears enough.

"Silence." Monique said as she stood up. Instantly, the room fell silent. Percy felt shivers down his spine. Monique gave out a very intimidating aura. "We shall now begin this meeting."

All attention turned towards them. Percy suddenly felt nervous.

"First, we have a new member among us." Monique gestured at Percy.

Percy gave them a simple wave. He heard some murmurings and whispers among the audience.

"This is Percy Jackson, a son of the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon, and former leader of Camp Half-Blood." Monique announced. "He led the Greek demigod army into battle against Kronos during their siege of Mount Olympus, he had once carried the weight of the world on his shoulders literally, he was one of the seven demigod who had stopped Gaia from destroying the world, and have been one of three demigods who have ventured into Tartarus and back safely."

As Monique listed off Percy's achievements, he felt himself blush. Everyone was staring at him in awe.

"Are you getting big headed yet?" Thalia asked with a grin.

"Does she always do this?"

"Only when a powerful ally joins. She did it with me when I first arrived. She says it's to inspire the others and give them hope, knowing that they have someone strong to back them up."

Percy shrugged as Monique finished her speech. "I formally welcome Percy Jackson into our ranks." She finished. The audience clapped and cheered as Percy managed to give them an awkward smile.

"Now, for the reports." Monique said. "Rachel?"

Rachel stood up. She looked a bit better from when Percy last saw her. She probably had a nap and a power bar at most. "Right. So ever since Percy's encounter with them two weeks ago, the Crusaders have been on high alert. It hasn't been made public yet, but rumor has it that Percy is now their number one target."

Another wave of murmurings and whispers.

"It is believed that they look to capture Percy and exploit his powers." Rachel explained with distaste. "This makes Percy our most valuable asset also."

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