IX : Nighttime Operation

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Percy and Reyna met up that night outside of the mansion area. Percy hadn't realized it, but the mansion was pretty remote and isolated from civilization.

By remote, Percy meant that it was in the middle of nowhere. Trees surrounded them from all angles. The only sign of civilization Percy could see was a tarmac path that connected the driveway and led deep into the woods.

"Where even are we?" Percy asked.

"Hidden from the public." Reyna said. "The house was originally owned by Rachel's dad before he gave it to Rachel."

"Wait, this is Rachel's place?" Percy asked. Reyna just put a finger against her lips.

"She doesn't like to talk about it, but yeah." Reyna said. "The place is concealed with magic, thanks to the Hecate demigods and magicians from the Twenty First Nome."

"Carter's place." Percy noted. "So, shall we?"
Reyna nodded as they ventured into the forest.

The night was eerily quiet. Aside from the rustling of leaves against the wind, there were no other noises. It was as if all the animals in here had gone quiet. The only thing he hears is their own footsteps.

"It's unusually quiet." Reyna said, as if reading Percy's thoughts.

"Yeah." Percy said. He had an uneasy feeling resting in his stomach, but he decided to let it be for now. Percy gripped the scabbard of his sword a little tighter. "Let's keep moving."

They were off the tarmac path and were walking through mud and bushes. Percy had packed light. He brought a satchel which contained a few bandages, some ambrosia, a flask of nectar, a water bottle and that's about it.

Reyna was wearing her Hunter uniform, which was still strange in Percy's eyes. The last time he'd seen Reyna, she was a Roman praetor. Now, she's a Hunter of Artemis. She wore a silver parka with combat boots. A silver bow was slung across her shoulder along with a quiver of arrows. Her hunting knife was strapped to her waist. She looked like most of the Hunters Percy have seen.

They trudged in silence for the next few minutes before we saw signs of Crusaders. When Reyna noticed the beam of lights just a few feet in front of them, she immediately ducked behind a bush. "Get down!" She said quietly.

Percy ducked behind a tree. A group of Crusaders, probably patrols, were walking in front of them.

"I thought they'd be further away." Reyna grumbled. "They're closer than I expected."

"Good thing we decided to go for the attack, huh?" Percy said as he peeked slightly around the tree.

The darkness of the night made it hard to see, but from their shining flashlight Percy could see about five Crusaders. "I count five.

"Maybe more." Reyna added. "Ready?"

Percy nodded. "Remember, no hesitation. It's either us or them."

Reyna took a deep breath. "I'll go high. You do you." Reyna said as she gracefully climbed up to a tree. The only thing Percy heard was the rustling of leaves before she disappeared out of sight.

Percy assessed the situation again. He needs to be quick and fast if he's to take them down without giving them a chance to act.

He bolted straight towards the group, sword in hand.

"What's that noise?" One of the Crusaders said. They frantically shined their lights to see where the noise was coming from. When one of them shined their flashlight on Percy, it was already too late.

One swift motion, Percy reminded himself.
Percy drew his sword in a deadly upward arc. The Crusader staggered backwards before Percy drove his sword straight into his heart. The Crusader gurgled in pain before he collapsed.

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