XVI : God's Weapon

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Reyna wished she could wake everyone up, but Percy knew this would happen.

Scarlet had planned this.

"We need to wake everyone up." Reyna said urgently.

Percy shook his head. "It's part of the plan." Percy said.

Reyna looked at him incredulously. "Are you kidding me?"

"Trust me." Percy said. Reyna was reluctant, but her muscles loosened.

Scarlet stepped out of one of the vehicles, this time in surprising normal clothes rather than a jumpsuit. She wore a white blouse and denim trousers. Her same deceitful grin was still there though.

"Ah, glad you could make it." Scarlet said.

"You didn't have to bring anyone." Percy muttered.

"I love to be cautious." Scarlet grinned. "Who says you won't go on a rampage when I come pick you up?"

"Pick you up?" Reyna repeated. "Percy, what is she talking about?"

"Take him in, boys." Scarlet said. A few of the Crusaders moved towards Percy while carrying rifles and a few metallic restraints. Even without knowing, Percy knew that they were built for demigods. He could sense the Celestial Bronze metal in the restraints.

"Percy!" Reyna tried to fight. "Hey! Leave him alone!"

"Reyna, it's okay." Percy said. "Listen to me. Thalia will know. Tell Thalia to be ready by dawn. I will send a signal."

"What? Come on, we can fight them." Reyna insisted.

"Come on, honey." Scarlet said. "He said he'll go without a fight."

"What?" Reyna asked.

"Trust me, okay?" Percy said with a smile while looking in Reyna's eyes. "And trust in Thalia. She'll lead you inside."

"B-But-" Percy silenced her with a deep kiss. Reyna unwillingly melted at the warmth of his lips. It felt wrong, but it also felt right at the same time.

When Percy pulled away, she found herself wanting. "I'll come back to you." Percy whispered before being cuffed with chains.

"Come on." Scarlet said. Even though this was planned, Percy couldn't help but notice the grin of mischief on her face, as if she was about to put Percy in the biggest prank ever.

The chains rattled as Percy was escorted into one of the cars. Piper looked like she wanted to fight, but the look on Percy's eyes says it all.

Trust me on this.

The last thing Reyna saw was Percy's smiling at her before they closed the car door and left hurriedly. Only one car and Scarlet stayed behind.

"I assume you want to kill me." Scarlet said mockingly.

Reyna gritted her teeth. "You're not wrong."

Scarlet chuckled. "Remember what your boyfriend said. Be ready by dawn. The other girl will know what to do." As Scarlet climbed onto her car, she turned around. "Don't disappoint. His life depends on it."

Then, they drove off, leaving Reyna feeling miserable and alone. She wanted to have a few words with Thalia, since she knew something.

Line Break

Percy was blindfolded as they brought him, so the shining bright lights almost blinded him. He was chained like a serial killer. There were shackles around his neck, his arms were shackled to the chair's armrest, his feet were shackled to the legs and floor.

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