XXX : Final Battle

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Carter was the first to engage Shura as he nosedived in falcon form before chaging at the last minute with his sword aimed at Shura's head.

Shura surprisingly had a weapon as he blocked Carter's sword with his own. A double-bladed black blade that was a meter longer than Carter's sword.

The battle raged around them as the two locked eyes with each other. "I thought you'd at least have a gun."

"I don't need one." Shura regarded him with his cold eyes. "I don't intend to kill you. I'm planning to make you suffer."

"Then the feeling's mutual." Carter snarled as he rushed forward. Their blades met and sparks flew. Carter ducked under Shura swing and tried to counter with a kick, but Shura was nimbler than he looks. He sidestepped swiftly and swung his blade at Carter's head, but he managed to block it with his sword.

Carter grabbed Shura by the wrist and tried to throw him over his shoulder, but Shura was strong. He countered by putting his whole body weight to the other direction and pushed Carter away.

As Carter regained his footing, Shura didn't let him breathe. He continued pressing with a flurry of strikes. Carter's instincts went overdrive. He parried, reflected, dodged, and everything in between.

What surprised him was the fact that Carter was forced to be on the defensive. Shura was a skilled fighter, but he wasn't better than Carter. He's not overwhelming him, which means they're on equal footing.

This also means that Carter can beat him.

Shura overcommitted on a lunge and Carter took advantage of it. He caught Shura's sword with the curve of his blade and twirled it around, trying to disarm him.

But Shura was smart. He let go of his blade immediately and switched into hand-to-hand combat, which took Carter by surprise. Shura landed a good right hook to his face before kicking him square on the chest. He quickly grabbed his sword and dashed towards Carter.

Carter hastily got out of the way of his strike and tried getting up, but Shura didn't let him. He kicked Carter's hand and pinned him to the ground with a knee on his chest and Shura's blade an inch away from his face.

"Say your goodbyes." Shura growled before he brought the blade down. As Carter braced for death, Carter heard a very familiar voice.


A giant blue fist materialized and smacked Shura right in his stupid face, sending him flying back a few meters. Carter looked up and found himself grinning.

"Honestly, can't you do anything without me?" Sadie said with a smirk.

Line Break

Thalia tried rushing over to where Carter is, but with all the gunfire around her it was difficult. Since she's the only one capable of flying without transforming into an animal, the Crusaders had one clear target to choose in the skies.

Thalia tried moving in unpredictable ways but there was no way for her to jump in and help her friends. She cursed under her breath as she then flew high, so high that she broke through the clouds.

After the chaos that ensued on the surface, the upper levels of the sky was peaceful. There was no raging storm and thunder. Thalia couldn't hear the gunfire. The rain had disappeared. She was surrounded by dark clouds that had gathered because of her and Percy.

She thought about how she could help her friends without killing herself. Can she just shoot arrows from here?

That wouldn't be possible. It's too far and with how the wind is whipping in every direction, it was a gamble. She could accidentally hit her friends.

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