XX : Wistful Wishes

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Percy and Thalia were hauling ass back towards the camp while being chased by several people. From what Percy had learned, the Crusaders had put a bounty on both of their heads.

A very large one, at that.

"We need to get them off our tails before we go back." Percy said. "Or they'll follow us and know where we're staying."

"You think?" Thalia grumbled as she fired another arrow at an incoming motorbike. The biker fell from their bike as the bike ran into an unmanned hotdog station. "I'm running out of arrows."

"I have a plan." Percy said.

"I hate your plans."

"Gather as many of them as we can." Percy said. "All in one spot. I will flashbang them then you'll fly us out of here."

Thalia stared at Percy for a moment. "Excuse me, I thought you said fly."

"Yes, fly."


"It's our only way out of here." Percy argued.


"Either we do that, or we die." Percy said.

"No!" Thalia insisted.

Percy threw his hands up. He heard more incoming vehicles heading towards their way, coupled with siren noises. "Great. I guess we'll just die here then. I heard Elysium's great this time of the month."

"Fine!" Thalia snapped. "I hate your plans."

"You said that already."

"Shut up!"

Percy lured and Thalia ran around the city, luring as much as they could to one spot.

"We've got them surrounded!" One of them shouted.

"Okay, get ready." Percy said. "Close your eyes." Percy lit up his hand with the highest temperature he could conjure.

"You can do this. You can do this." Thalia muttered behind him. At first, he thought that she was trying to reassure Percy but it sounded like she was reassuring herself.

"No way to run, kid." The bounty hunters and mercenaries started to edge towards them.

Percy pulled the water out of the pipelines underneath, erupting a pillar of water in between them. Percy then fired the flames, creating a thick layer of steam around them.

"Bah! I can't see!" One of them shouted as they got confused and started panicking.

"I thought you said you were going to flashbang them?" Thalia asked.

"Same thing. Go!" Percy shouted. There was a moment of hesitation. Percy was worried that Thalia was having a mental breakdown and was about to yell at her, but he felt his arm get yanked upwards as they flew into the sky.

"Wohoo!" Percy shouted. The city got smaller underneath them as they continued to fly upwards but not stopping. "Uh, Thalia? I think we're high enough?"

"Are we there yet?" Thalia shouted over the wind, which was ridiculous since they had only moved up instead of any other direction.

"You need to fly in another direction." Percy shouted back.

"Which way?"

"That way." Percy pointed.

"I can't see where you're pointing!" Thalia said. Percy looked up to see she was closing her eyes.

"Open your eyes then!"

"Fuck off!" Thalia shouted. "Now tell me where to go!"

Percy cursed under his breath. "Left. No, my left. That's your left. We're going backwards now. Just - just go left!"

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