XXIX : Destined Clash

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"What the fuck happened?!" Rachel asked. "They were supposed to talk it out!"

"Well clearly, it didn't work," Carter said. He was feeling tense. It's not as if they weren't ready for battle, but since it was under a flag of truce they had let down their guard a bit.

Even if they decided to attack, Carter thought they'd at least have the courtesy to come back first and discuss strategies before going in guns blazing.

Reyna and the Hunters were on their way to the top of the ice wall while the fire magicians were almost done melting a hole through the ice.

The demigods had almost finished preparing when a massive explosion occurred on the other side of the wall.

Even though it was on the other side, Carter felt his bones vibrating. The ground trembled as if a miniature earthquake had hit. Those who were unaware lost their footing and fell. Heavy rain poured down on them mercilessly. Thunder boomed and lightning struck all over them.

It was as if Mother Earth had had enough and sent all kinds of natural disasters toward them.

Carter heard ringing in his ears from that loud explosion. Luckily, the wall was still intact. Carter didn't know if that explosion came from Thalia and Percy or if the enemy had unleashed a weapon of mass destruction onto them.

"That's them." Rachel said as if she was reading his mind. "We have to hurry. They're strong, but they're up against an army out there."

Carter gritted his teeth. "Everyone heads up! We're going in!"

Line Break

That massive explosion almost blew Percy and Thalia away. Thalia had unleashed the masterbolt while Percy let loose whatever power he had in a sudden burst of explosion.

When the dust settled, Percy and Thalia found themselves in the middle of a giant crater surrounded by tall ice spires jutting out of the ground. They had managed to clear out an area of five hundred meters around them. Percy could see the bodies of the dead Crusaders. Some were mangled, while some were scorched beyond recognition. He felt sick looking at the scene, but he managed to hold it down.

Thalia and Percy had created an explosion that rivaled the strength of dynamite.

Percy stood up. Thalia seems to be alive, but she was unconscious. After being injured like that and then using the masterbolt, that must've drained her. Around them, Percy could see that the Crusaders had been blown back and were trying to reorganize themselves, so they had some breathing room.

Percy knew that he didn't have much time. He either had to get out with Thalia, or stand his ground. Against guns, the latter option was extremely dangerous.

But the Crusaders were being cautious about him. They knew that Percy and Thalia were dangerous because of the magnitude of that explosion. But what they didn't know was the fact that Percy doubted he and Thalia could pull another one off. So until they figure that out, Percy had a brief window where the Crusaders are hesitant to engage because none of them were particularly fond of being blasted into bits.

So Percy decided to think things through carefully. If he knows his friends, they're probably getting ready right now to engage the enemy. If Percy could figure out the timing of when they were going to attack, they could pinch the enemy in multiple directions.

But it'll be difficult for his friends if they have those big artillery on standby. Percy guessed that the only reason they hadn't used it on Percy and Thalia is that they didn't want to risk their own allies and also it would be a waste to kill just two people with a missile.

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