XXIII : Wisdom Descends

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After such an eventful night and Artemis had left, Percy was hoping to get some good night's rest. But after such a long time of having sleeps without dreams of premonition, Percy was surprised when he finally got one.

He stood in the throne room of Olympus, but it was empty. The thrones looked like it hadn't been touched for years, which was probably the case. Bessie had gone missing from the aquarium and the hearth was burning shyly.

In front of Zeus' throne, two figures looked like they were arguing. It was Artemis and Athena, whom Percy hadn't seen in a long time. Athena looked worn out, as if she'd just conducted several sleepless nights of marathon study. Her shoulders sagged and her cheeks were sunken.

"I'm telling you, Sister." Artemis said. "I felt his presence. It was him."

"It's not that I don't believe you, Artemis." Athena said. "But you have to admit, it is very unlikely."

"Who else has powers of this magnitude?" Artemis said. "To shut off the Mist? To disturb other pantheons? To reduce our Father to such a state?"

Athena bit her lip. "Even so, we can't be sure. I mean, it's just not like him to do so."

"We can just ask him." Artemis said.

Athena studied Artemis' eyes before her own widened in realization. "No. No. No. Do you know how dangerous that is?" Athena said. "Olympus is barely functional with four of us. What will happen if shit hits the fan? It's more of a risk when you consider that our uncle Hades is no longer running the Underworld. Just, no."

"Well what else are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait? Those demigods won't have much time left and the boy is at his limit." Artemis exclaimed. "If we push him even further, he's going to break this time and there won't be any bouncing back from it. Losing the girl was enough for him."

Percy shuffled in his feet. Even though he wasn't mentioned by name, he knew Artemis was talking about him. Or at least, Percy assumed she was talking about him.

"They're mortals. Moreover, they're heroes who have helped save Olympus many times. We can't ask any more of them." Artemis said.

"What made you soft, Sister?" Athena asked sternly. "You used to look down upon mortals. More than that, you used to hate boys. What happened?"

Artemis clenched her fists. "Those mortals are the ones fighting for our existence right now. Those mortals are sacrificing their lives to ensure our and their survival. More importantly, that boy has been the reason I am still here. If it were not for him, you would never have awakened, Sister."

Athena looked like she wanted to argue, but she stayed silent.

"Now I'm going to go and meet him. If my intuitions are correct, then we are in deep shit." Artemis said. "I entrust that you'll guide them if anything happens to me, okay?"

"I will, but please return." Athena pleaded. "It's bad enough with our other family members. I can't . . ."

Artemis stepped forward and gave Athena a hug. "I'll be back, Sister. I'll give you my word." Artemis stepped back with a smile. "And I'd suggest you go visit him soon. He's got a lot to say to you."

The scene shifted and Percy was in a dark room. It took him a while, but Percy soon realized he was in the same room that he'd first met Shura.

Facing the windows overlooking the city, Shura stood with his arms behind his back. Scarlet stood next to him, looking poised and nervous at the same time.

"Can you do it?" Shura asked.

"Of course. I've never failed you before, haven't I?" Scarlet said.

Shura turned his head slightly facing Scarlet. "You failed your assassination."

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