III : Wisdom's Fall

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Before Artemis could unveil her plans, Percy went back to his camp. He woke everyone up and asked them to pack things up.

"Is something wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"You'll see." Percy said. "Ran into some friends."

After a few minutes of packing and travelling upriver, they arrived at the Hunters' campsite. Percy expected the Hunters would make rude remarks and isolate the rest of the demigods from themselves since, well, they did have a few boys.

But to Percy's surprise, they received a warm welcome. Well, as warm as it could have been since everyone was exhausted. They helped the demigods set up camp and offered food and blankets.

Times like these are when differences are set aside for the betterment of everyone. Right now, their opinions on men don't really matter since their own lives are on the line and both sides need all the help that they could get.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Annabeth scolded. "I could've helped."

"With a bullet wound like that?" Percy asked.

Annabeth glared at Percy some more but didn't reply since she knew he had a point. She would be more of a burden than help.

Thalia jogged towards where they were standing. "You ready? Artemis wants to see you."

"Sure." Percy nodded. As Thalia ran off, Percy turned towards Annabeth. "Stay here and help them. I'll be right with you."

"Yeah, sure." Annabeth said.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Thalia called. "Come on."

It might be just the weariness and exhaustion from constantly being on the run, but Artemis looked better and healthier with each second that passed. Her skin had turned from deathly pale to the complexion of someone who hadn't slept in a few days.

Thalia, Artemis, and Percy sat in Artemis's tent as they eagerly waited to hear Artemis's plan.

"Our powers are limited to how many demigods are left." Artemis explained softly. "Since demigods are . . . decreasing, so are our powers."

Percy frowned. "Surely that can't be all. Even if there are no demigods, there's sure to be some mortals out there who believe in you guys. Greeks, maybe? They're Greeks, they should believe in you. Maybe fanatics? Nymphs, dryads, animals, fanfiction writers, surely some of them must count?"

Artemis chuckled. "If it was that easy, we wouldn't have this problem." Artemis said. "The modern generation of Greeks had regarded us as myths. They see us as an interesting fact to spout to tourists. Spirits have long retreated back to their homes, fending for themselves."

"So . . . what does that mean?"

Artemis sadly stared into nothing. "What beliefs that people had . . . any ounce of confidence they have in believing that the gods will save them has vanished."

"Oh." Percy said, finally realising what she meant.

With all that's been happening and Olympus not being able to do a thing about it, people started to lose hope. They lose faith. They figured that if the gods weren't going to save them, then no one would. But the gods need that faith in order to save their people.

It was a vicious cycle.

"So what do you want us to do?" Thalia asked.

Artemis gave an unwavering look at Percy. "Give them hope."

Percy gulped at Artemis's stare. Even if she's weak, Percy could still feel the divine aura emanating from her. "Um, how?"

"By fighting back." Artemis said. "Let them know, let everyone know, that we are not some kind of abomination on mankind."

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