XXIV : Unsettling Revelation

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Nico's meeting with Walt was weird. How do you introduce a host for the God of Death to the son of the God of the Underworld?

"Remind me again." Percy said as he watched over Nico and Walt staring at each other. "How did you know him?"

"He's an initiate at the Twenty-First Nome. A friend of mine. And Sadie's boyfriend for a while. We lost contact with each other when the First Crusade happened." Carter said.

"And he's the God of Death."

"He's the host." Carter corrected him. "He's also the God of Funerals, Mummifications, Embalming, Buria-"

"Dude, you had me at the God of Death part." Percy shuddered. "Hey, Walt?"

Walt wasn't listening. He was too busy staring at Nico.

"Um, Walt?"

"I feel like I've met you before." Walt muttered as he looked at Nico.

"Yeah, same." Nico squinted his eyes. "I think you're just like me."

"And you're just like me."

"If they start reenacting the Spider-Man meme, I'm gonna knock them both out." Carter said.

"Walt!" Percy called.

"Huh? Yeah? What?" Walt looked over at Percy.

"What brings you here?" Percy asked. "And how did you get in?"

"Portals." Walt said, as if it should've been obvious. "I'd been wandering by myself for a few months now and I've recently picked up something when you made a lot of activity."

"Surprised you could survive alone out there." Nico said.

Walt shrugged. "People tend to leave you alone when you can turn them to dust with a touch."

"Really?" Nico tossed him a piece of stick out of nowhere. Walt was surprised, but he caught it with ease.

As he said, the stick crumbled to dust in his hand. "Don't."

"Cool." Nico grinned.

"So, you're looking to join the party?" Percy asked.

"Actually, I was trying to find Sadie." Walt said. "I figured if she's anywhere, she'd be somewhere safe."

Percy and Carter exchanged looks. "Let's talk somewhere." Carter said.

Line Break

Walt looked depressed after hearing about Sadie's disappearance and Isis hosting someone else.

"Do you have any leads?" Walt asked in a soft voice.

"Scarlet's our best lead. And we're gonna get to her." Carter said. "We have to."

"I'll help." Walt said. "I'll join your fight."

"Thanks." Percy said. "Why don't you - uh, go with Nico? I'm sure he has a lot to show you."

As the two left, Percy overheard Nico asking Walt if he could summon dog bones. Percy decided to let them discuss it.

"Where's Athena?" Percy asked Carter when the two left the room.

"She went back to Olympus, I think. She said she'll return soon." Carter explained.

"Well, I have no arguments against-" Percy stopped his sentence.

"Percy? What's wrong?" Carter called.

Percy couldn't explain it. A spine tingling chill ran along his back. He had a feeling of dread that he couldn't shake off. Percy felt his knees shake, as if someone had just stabbed his voodoo doll.

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