XXXII : The Epilogue

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"What do you think you're doing?" Sadie asks.

"His body can't contain that much power. Once it breaks, Chaos' powers will be unleashed onto us. When that happens, none of us will be alive to see it." Scarlet said.

"So what do we do?" Percy asked as he watches Shura screaming in pain. He could feel himself being pushed back by an unknown force. Black lightning was practically crawling out of Shura right now.

"You guys don't have to do anything. I will take care of this." Scarlet said.

"How?" Percy asked.

"Isis and I will bring him to the Duat. He can't affect anyone there."

Sadie stepped forward. "Are you insane?" Sadie asked. "You can't survive the Duat. If Shura explodes, Isis will be destroyed along with it and as a mortal, you will die as well."

Scarlet bit her lip. "That's not for you to worry about."

"We can think of something else." Nico said. "Something that doesn't involve you killing yourself."

"There's no time." Scarlet waved her hand and pushed everyone back with a spell. Percy tried to stop her, but she was already on the move.

"Scarlet!" Sadie yelled out but her voice was lost in the chaos. Scarlet moved over to Shura and the instant she put her hand on him, Scarlet's body shone with brilliance. A yellow bright glow that seems to fight against the black lightning coming from Shura.

Above Scarlet, was a projection of a woman. Percy didn't recognize her, but it must've been Isis. Isis glanced at Sadie, gave her a wink, before disappearing with Shura into the Duat.

After all that chaos and commotion, it seemed silent afterwards. Shura and Scarlet were nowhere to be seen.

Part of Percy was relieved, but part of him was wary.

But the battle wasn't over. They were still in the middle of a battle against the Crusaders.

"That fucking brat." Sadie growled. Percy could hear a hint of sadness in her voice, but now was not the time.

"Come on." Percy stood up shakily. He didn't realize how tired it was fighting against Shura until it was over. "The others need our help."

"Yeah. We still have- look out!" Nico conjured a barrier just in time to block a barrage of gunfire aimed towards them. Most of them were too tired to do anything, so they were basically like fish stuck in a barrel.

"Anyone have any ideas?" Walt shouted over the sound of gunfire.

Percy was about to say something, but someone beat him to it.

"Incoming!" One of the Crusaders shouted and there were a barrage of explosions in front of them, decimating the Crusaders. Nico's barrier protected them from the blast, so it was fine but Percy couldn't say the same about the Crusaders.

The artillery fire lasted for a few more seconds before it ceased. The aftermath was silent after that, except for the heavy rain.

Despite the silence, Percy was still on edge. He wasn't letting his guard down. The sounds of battle sounded far from where he was standing.

The dust settled and Percy had taken a clear look of the battlefield on its entirety for the first time.

It was a wreck. Thanks to him, the whole place within a few mile radius was flattened and cracked, as if a giant hand had pressed against the surface of the Earth. There were dead bodies everywhere from friends and foes alike. Smoke and fire were scattered everywhere, coupled with the heavy rain and lightning.

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