XIV : Witch's Offer

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After a triumphant victory, they seized the camp and took anything that could be of use to them. Supplies, weapons, armor, anything of use.

Meanwhile, Percy, Thalia, Reyna and Piper had an emergency meeting along with their newfound ally, Ludwig.

"So, you're a Chase?" Percy asked. "Chase as in . . ."

"As in, 'related-to-Annabeth'. Yes, I'm that Chase." Ludwig answered.

The group exchanged looks. No wonder he looked so familiar.

"Wait," Percy made a time-out gesture. "I know Annabeth's family. She had two brothers, and a cousin. I don't remember you."

Ludwig grinned. "The Chase family runs deeper into the mythological aspect of the world than you think."

Thalia cleared her throat. "I assumed you've heard of . . . the news." Percy knew what Thalia was talking about.

"Yeah." His expression turned sad. "I mean, I didn't know her very well, but Athena spoke highly of her and I kinda looked up to her to some degree. After knowing about her passing, well, it sucked."

"Yeah." Percy managed a small smile. 'It sucked' kinda defines how he felt at the time. "Anyway, you said you were blessed by Athena. Is that true?"

Ludwig nibbled at his sandwich and nodded. "It's complicated. I'm not a child from the goddess myself, and both my parents are mortal." Ludwig said. "But Athena said she favored the Chase family, even though she's not one to show it."

"So how did she, uh, bless you?" Reyna asked.

"About five years ago before any of this happened, Athena visited me. She said I will have a role to play when the time comes." Ludwig said. "At first I was having trouble believing it, but after meeting demigods from all over the place I had no doubts that it was true."

"That counts as a blessing?" Percy asked.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "When gods entrust you with something, it counts as a blessing." Thalia said. "So, you've met demigods before?"

Ludwig winced. "I've started meeting them by the time the First Crusade had finished. It was not in situations I preferred. I've met them when they're held captive by the Crusaders. I help where I can, help them escape and such. But what becomes of their fate after that, I don't know."

Percy put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you did more than some of us could. So don't worry."

Ludwig seemed to appreciate the reassurement. "Athena said to look out for you." Ludwig added. "She said if I met you, she told me that you will be important in ensuring the survival of demigods. And that I should help you, or something along that line." Ludwig scratched his head. "She was talking in like old English, so I had trouble understanding."

"I think I get the gist of it." Piper said. "We're supposed to team up with Ludwig to fight the Crusaders, right?"

"Uh huh, that's convenient." Reyna doubted. "What if he's lying? What if he's a spy?"

Ludwig paled. "I can assure you, I'm being honest."

"Maybe they're even listening in on this conversation right now." Thalia glared at Ludwig.

Ludwig looked terrified, so Percy stepped in. "Can you guys leave us for a second?" Percy asked. "Me and Ludwig."

The three girls looked at Percy. "You sure?" Thalia asked.

"What, are you afraid he's going to beat me up?" Percy asked.

They wanted to argue, but they couldn't. Reluctantly, the trio left the tent.

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