XVIII : Moment's Rest

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Percy woke up to a Disney princess setting.

The sunlight was shining softly on his face. He could feel the soft bed and sheets on him. Birds were chirping, as if to welcome him back from his slumber. He felt like the Sleeping Beauty.

He was snapped back into reality when the sudden pain of his left arm jolted. Percy struggled to sit up, but he managed. He'd been bandaged from head to toe, so he looked as if someone tried to mummify him but they ran out of linen half way through.

His worst injury was his left arm. It was in a cast and was bandaged heavily. Percy could see the fingertips were still raw and red. Using a magical nuclear-grade weapon like the masterbolt will do that to you.

As Percy regained his bearings, he tried taking into his surroundings. He was in an infirmary, no doubt. From the window, Percy could tell that they were somewhere out of the city, which was good. The place reminded Percy of Camp Half-Blood.

Percy noticed something else. Sleeping on a chair, with her head laid down on Percy's lap, was Reyna. Her hair sprawled all over his blanket as she snored softly. Percy managed a smile as he stroked her hair, to which she woke up to.

"Hey." Percy managed with a smile.

Reyna looked at him for a while before she slapped him.

"Ow!" Percy yelped. "What was that fo-" Reyna silenced him with a kiss. The surprise melted away, replaced with bliss. Reyna climbed onto the bed and straddled on Percy. Their kiss deepened, but not that much.

Reyna pulled out for air, but kept the distance between them close. Percy noticed her lips were quivering. "If you ever, make me worry like that ever again . . ."

Percy smiled as he wrapped his good arm around her waist. "Consider me warned. I'm sorry."

Reyna sighed. "I thought about our talk and . . ."


Reyna kissed him gently. A soft genuine kiss. "And I think I need a new plan."

"Hey Reyna, how's Per - oh my god!" Both of them hear a voice said from the door. The pair stopped their moment to see Thalia and Rachel both looking at them in shock.

Reyna tried getting off of Percy quickly, but that resulted in her tumbling down the side of the bed with a yelp. It also resulted with the unfortunate event of her accidentally smacking Percy's injured arm, making him squeal in pain.

There was a moment of silence before Rachel and Thalia burst out laughing at the two lovebirds' pain.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Percy grunted in pain.

Reyna quickly got up and tried to compose herself, but her face was the color of cherry.

"What's wrong?" She managed.

"Oh, we were just checking in to see if Percy's awake." Thalia said after her fit of laughter. "Glad to see everything's okay."

"Yep, Percy's definitely 'awake'." Rachel mused with a smile. "Well, get ready for you two. Breakfast is ready and everyone's excited to hear from you."

"Can't we watch them for a while?" Thalia pouted.

"No, no. Let's give them some alone time." Rachel dragged her out of the room. When the two of them left, Percy and Reyna were left with an air of awkwardness.

"Sorry." Percy said, though he wasn't really sure what he was sorry for. It's not his fault that Thalia barged in.

"It's fine." Reyna shook her head with a smile. She leaned in and gave him a quick peck this time. "See you at breakfast?"

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