X : Oracle's Plan

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"What in the WORLD WERE YOU THINKING?!" Thalia yelled at both Reyna and Percy who were now being treated for their wounds.

When Percy and Reyna got back, their friends were unexpectedly waiting for them at the front entrance. Thalia, Monique, Carter, and Piper were all there.

"Hey, we came back didn't we?" Percy said as he winced from Carter applying some healing potion on his bullet wound.

"Sorry." Carter shrugged. "At least you're okay."

"That's not the point here!" Thalia snapped. "Why didn't you guys tell us about this?"

"Piper knew." Percy said. Thalia glared daggers at him. "Okay, because I didn't want to bring anyone else."

"You could've just told me!" Thalia argued.

"Then you would've wanted to come along." Percy argued back. "Look, the point is we did it and the place is safe for a little bit longer."

"Glad that we did it as well." Reyna muttered. "They were closer than I expected. A few more days and they would've found this place."

"That doesn't sound good." Monique said as she put her hands on her waist. "Did you let anyone escape?"

Reyna and Percy exchanged looks. Reyna's expression was pleading to Percy not to tell anyone of what happened. "No, we got them all." Percy said. "I don't think anyone escaped."

Reyna looked grateful and relieved, but she did well to hide it. "Anyway, this place is not very safe. We need to either move or force them to retreat." Reyna said.

"Nu uh." Thalia crossed her arms, clearly still annoyed. "You're on probation for now."


"You heard me." Thalia said. "No more going around behind my back. As the leader of the Hunt, I'm doing this for your own good."

Reyna wanted to fight back, but she held herself back. "Fine." Reyna grumbled.

"And you," Thalia glared at Percy. "If you ever go behind my back again, I swear I will-"

"Oh come on." Percy grumbled. "It's just a small thing. You don't need to be present for every single fight I walk into."

Thalia grabbed Percy's collar, which surprised everyone. "I promised Artemis that I would help you. We promised Artemis that we would do this together." Thalia said with anger.

"But that doesn't mean we'll do every single fucking thing together." Percy retaliated as he pushed her hand away. "I did what I did to save us."

"Guys, stop." Carter tried but it was no use.

"Putting yourself in danger isn't saving us, Percy." Thalia spat. "How about you try to think about others in the first place before being so selfish."

That triggered Percy. "Selfish? Selfish?!" Percy snapped. "I have been everything but selfish! I gave my life to mortals and to the gods just to save their ass!"

"You were selfish tonight." Thalia said angrily. "You were selfish when you almost got yourself killed two weeks ago. And you were selfish when you thought Annabeth was alive!"

Percy lunged at Thalia and the two wrestled on the floor. "Guys, seriously, stop!" Carter said.

"That's enough, you two!" Reyna shouted.

But neither of them were listening. They tousled and wrestled until Thalia got on top of Percy and pinned him down. Percy tried getting her off of him, but Thalia was faster. She pinned Percy's hand under one knee and grabbed the other hand with an armlock.

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