XI : Separate Ways

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Percy and Reyna sat at a table together as they enjoyed their meal. "So, what's your plan?" Piper asked.

"Hm?" Percy snapped back into reality. "Sorry, I wasn't listening."

"Talking to you is like talking with gerbil." Reyna rolled her eyes. "You are staying, right?"

Percy nodded. "I'm not backing down now."

"Neither am I." Reyna said with determination. "But everyone will be split up. There will be people leaving this evening and we will be short of staff."

"I know." Percy gritted his teeth.

"So, what's the plan?" Reyna asked.

"I've got something in mind." Percy said. "But I need to talk to everyone about it first."

Reyna nodded. They then sat in silence together. Percy felt like there's something in the air whenever he spent time with Reyna. Something he couldn't really put into words. He's . . . excited whenever he sees Reyna.

It's the same way he felt whenever he saw Annabeth.

Wait, that can't mean . . .


Percy jumped. "Wha-? What's wrong?"

"You're asking me? I could ask you the same thing." Reyna groaned. "Why are you staring at me?"

"What? I wasn't staring."

"Uh huh." Reyna said, clearly unimpressed by his marvelous attempt to lie. "Are you okay? You look a little red."

"I'm okay." Percy decided to put that thought way, way at the back of his head. He had other things to focus on for now.

Percy nodded, hoping Reyna would drop the subject. "Well, suit yourself." Reyna said although it was clear that she was worried.

"I'm have to talk with Piper first." Percy said. "See you later."

Line Break

"That's your plan?" Piper exclaimed. "Are you crazy?"

"Unless you have a better way to destroy their base without a full battalion after you." Percy said. "And this is the best way to do it."

"You can't be serious." Piper asked as she continued her workout on the treadmill.

"You know that I have the highest chance of surviving this if we do it." Percy explained.

"Have you at least talked about this to Thalia?" Piper asked while panting lightly.

"No." Percy said.

"Then you better tell her." Piper said. "You know how she is whenever you act alone."

"I know." Percy muttered.

Line Break

Thalia was not interested in talking with Percy as she was more interested in shooting wildlife from the rooftop.

"Isn't Artemis going to be angry at you for killing these wild animals." Percy asked.

"It's not killing." Thalia nocked an arrow. "We hunt for survival. It's the natural cycle of life." She fired the arrow. Percy couldn't see where it went as it sunk into the treeline, but from the whistling signal from the other Hunters, he knew she'd hit the mark. "Plus we're gathering food for Monique's group." She turned towards Percy. "What do you want?"

"Come on, Thalia." Percy said with exasperation. "I didn't mean it like that."

'"I know." Thalia said nonchalantly as she pulled another arrow and fired. The arrow flew for some distance before disappearing into the treeline. Another loud whistle from the Hunters.

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