XIII : Take Over

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Things were hectic as soon as Percy groggily got out of the vehicle.

Percy had never been in a car crash before, but the experience was exciting and unsettling at the same time.

"Last time I agreed on doing that." Thalia groaned as she got out of the wreckage. Thankfully, the armored truck didn't crumple like a tin can unlike the watchtower they crashed into which collapsed like a Jenga tower.

The other vehicles with the rest of the Resistance members safely parked and charged at the enemy without hesitation.

"Thalia, you're with me." Percy said, shaking off his dizziness. "The rest of you, with your squadrons."

"Reyna, you're in charge." Thalia said to Reyna. They all nodded and scattered to their own squadrons, which were divided according to their pantheons. Piper's with the Greek and Roman demigods, Rachel is with mortals, Alex is with the Norse warriors, and Carter is with the magicians.

"We're gonna create as much chaos as we can." Percy said to Thalia. "Look for where they're gathered the most and go absolutely ham."

Thalia grinned at the thought of going wild against these Crusaders. "Creating chaos is like our specialty."

Percy took his katana out. "Agreed." Percy grinned. They then went to work.

The first few minutes went in a blur. Percy and Thalia jumped into the middle of the largest crowd of Crusaders they could see and unleashed hell. A mixture of elements swirled around them. Fire, lightning, wind, and water heeded their call as they twisted the elements into their will, creating a force of destruction.

Debris and Crusaders were sent flying all at the same time, diminishing their numbers at a rapid pace.

Thalia and Percy worked with impeccable teamwork. They managed to fight side by side together without communication. Both of them covered for each other's backs and supported each other when needed. Truly, they were unstoppable.

Percy felt like a god for the first few minutes. He was unstoppable. nothing could touch him. Nothing could kill him. It was as if he had the whole world in his palm.

But that was cut short when a sonic boom was blasted into their eardrums, forcing Percy to cover his ears.

When the convergence of elements caused by Thalia and Percy subsided, Percy saw what happened.

It was a standard military-issued armored truck, but on its roof where machine guns would usually be placed, was something that looked like the devil lovechild of a shotgun and a megaphone.

On the helm was a familiar face.

"Wow." The commander said. "That actually works."

"What the hell . . ." Thalia muttered as she tried regaining her bearings. The high-pitched noise in Percy's ears was not going away either.

"Sonic boom gun." The commander stepped down from his armored truck. "One of the few inventions created especially for you demigods." The commander shrugged. "I don't really know how it works, but the good thing is it works."

Percy groaned as he stood up. His vision was fuzzy, but there was no mistaking it. The man standing in front of him right now was the commander that Percy had fought some time ago.

"Percy Jackson." The commander said with a little amusement in his voice. It took a while for Percy to realize that the battle was still going on around them. It was only in their vicinity that the fighting had died down, thanks to the sonic boom gun. "Quite the show you put on, last time we met."

It took a few seconds, but the high-pitched ringing in his ear gradually stopped and his vision cleared. "In my defence, you said I could use any powers I want."

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