XII : Counter Attack

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You can't exactly ask a recently empowered Olympian goddess 'How've you been?' and be nonchalant about it.

"How've you been?" Percy asked.

Artemis managed a chuckle. "Your ignorance amuses me every time, Perseus."

"Uh, thank you?" Percy said.

Artemis smiled. "Walk with me." Artemis gestured to Percy to follow her as she walked into the forest. Percy followed, knowing better than to disobey a goddess. "To answer your question, I've been busy."

"Helping Olympus, I presume?"

"More or less." Artemis said. "How are you? Are you okay?"

Percy grinned. "More or less."

Artemis chuckled. "How is Thalia?" Artemis asked.

At the mention of Thalia, he tensed up. Percy would hate to be here if Artemis found out that he pissed off the person who she entrusted her Hunters with. "She's doing okay. I mean, we fought the other day but otherwise, she seemed pretty fine."

Artemis nodded. "I guess it was the correct decision to leave her in charge."

Percy nodded in agreement. "I agree." Percy said nervously.

Artemis seemed to notice as she walked in front of Percy's way. "What's wrong?"

"Um, what?"

"You're acting funny."

"No I'm not." Percy said. Artemis raised an eyebrow at him, saying that she doesn't believe him. Percy sighed. "It just feels weird."

"What is?"

"You, talking casually to me."

Artemis frowned. "What? I can't have a conversation with someone?"

Percy shrugged. "Well, you have a reputation of despising men." Percy stated. "And plus, you don't really talk to mortals casually. I'm both of those things."

The realization dawned upon Artemis's face as she smiled. "I guess you're right. I am a goddess after all."

Then, Percy's demigod sense went nuts. Something was off.

"Well, it's still not wrong for me to just have a leisure chat with you, right?" 'Artemis' said. "I'd like to be updated with those who matter to me."

Percy's hand quietly went into his pocket. He was careful not to let 'Artemis' notice. He felt the familiar touch of Riptide. "Other than that, I thought you said we weren't going to see each other for a while."

"And indeed we haven't." 'Artemis' said. "How long has it been?"

"Barely a month." Percy said.

"That's a long time then."

"Uh huh." Percy didn't buy it. Immortal's sense of time is different from mortals. A hundred years to them feels like nothing, let alone a month. "So, what are you up to now?"

"You know, I'm just trying my best to help the other Olympians." She said. "I tried my best but-" She was cut short by Percy lunging forward and trying to slice her face off. She might be an imposter, but her movements showed that she was an experienced fighter. She nimbly leaned out of the way of Percy's sword and stepped back. "That's rude."

"Who are you?" Percy growled.

"The disguise didn't fool you?" The imposter asked. "You must have a good eye."

"Not really." Percy admitted. "But I've met Artemis before and you did a terrible impression."

"Aw, and I was gonna audition for the next Broadway musical." The imposter said with a fake sad smile. The smile was soon replaced with a sinister grin as her face started to melt.

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