XXVIII : Twisted Agenda

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Percy and Thalia stood on the outside of the ice wall, facing the thousands of armed military forces. Despite being outnumbered by one to thousands, Percy didn't feel nervous. Thalia on the other hand, was anxious.

"I really hope there's more to it than just this." Thalia grumbled. "Personally, I'd like to fire one of Dad's lightning bolt right on their stupid faces."

"Relax." Percy said. "We've sent out a message. Now we have to wait."

Percy and Thalia were actually waiting for Shura to respond to their message. When Percy and Thalia got to the other side of the wall, they came down under a flag of truce. One of the military guys came up to them and Percy asked him to send a message to Shura for a face-to-face meeting between the two of them.

Now, they were waiting for Shura. The army in front of them looked just as anxious as Thalia. They stood at the ready in a semi-circle a few feet away from them. Percy felt like he was being sentenced to death by firing squad. Their guns were aimed straight at Percy and Thalia so if they decided to fire, the two of them wouldn't survive.

"We've been waiting for like ten minutes," Thalia said. "Where is he?"

"He's probably taking a shit." Percy rolled his eyes. "Can't you sit still for a while?"

"We're demigods. We have ADHD. We're not supposed to sit still."

"Fair point." Percy shrugged.

Just then, the crowd in front of them parted and made way for Shura who was walking menacingly. His sneer was evident, but he looked more tired than before. Maybe it was the fact that he was running an army, or maybe it was due to something else.

"Interesting." Shura said as he stopped a few steps away from Percy and Thalia. "Are you here to negotiate?"

"Somewhat." Percy said. Neither Percy nor Thalia were the best when it comes to being diplomatic. They were more towards the 'kicking-butts' spectrum. If possible, Percy would've wanted either Carter, or Piper, or Rachel, or basically anyone who can keep their cool when talking.

Percy and Thalia were not those people. But the others had their own roles in Sadie's grand plan so the responsibility falls onto Percy and Thalia. On the bright side, if it comes down to a fight, Percy and Thalia would have the highest chance of surviving.

"Have you decided to surrender?" Shura asked.

"Not really. We have an offering." Percy said. "We have something you want."

Shura raised an eyebrow. "Are you talking about the masterbolt?"

"Something better," Percy said. "The Book of Thoth."

It was subtle, but Shura tensed at the mention of the book. "And why would I need that?"

"Oh, it's not for you," Percy said. "It's for the other guy."

"Other guy?"

"You know," Thalia said. "The one helping you. Creation itself. His name starts with a C."

Shura glared at them. "So you knew?"

Percy nodded. "And we know that he wants this book." Percy wiggled the book in front of him. "So if he wants it, he's gonna have to get it himself."

"By that, he meant show yourself, coward," Thalia called out to Chaos. Percy wasn't sure about calling Creation a coward, but if they were going to die they might as well hurt his feelings while they were at it.

There was a brief moment of silence before everything stopped. Literally. Everything was frozen in place. The trees, the people, the birds, everything.

Except for Percy, Thalia, and one boy with white hair in front of them. He was barefoot, wearing nothing but simple white cotton clothes.

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