XXXI : The Crescendo

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Walt and Nico arrived just in time to save Carter from being turned into an Egyptian shish kebab.

Walt wasn't very good with close combat, so he left that bit to Nico while he gave ranged support.

But Shura was strong. Walt tried to wrap him with linen, but he tore through it with ease. He tried summon giant undead mummies against him, but he sliced them down like they were nothing. And so, Walt resorted into firing energy blasts.

Nico was doing well, but he was forced onto the defensive. He was good, but he's not that good. There was no way he could beat Shura, so his best bet was to distract him long enough until Carter and Sadie recovers or until one of his friends got here.

Shura ducked under Nico's wide swing of his Stygian blade while deflecting another energy blast from Walt. The two boys worked surprisingly well together even thought they barely knew each other.

Nico tried stepping in for a jab, but was met with a counter when Shura twisted his blade out of his arm, disarming Nico completely. Nico retreated, but Shura was on the pursuit.

Walt tried tying the villain up with linen popping from his fingers, but Shura was quick to cut them down. In the midst of his retreat, Nico slipped on some mud and landed face first on the ground. Shura caught up to him and almost gave Nico his execution, but was interrupted by Carter who jumped in the way and blocked Shura's sword.

"Pests!" Shura growled as Carter pushed him away. Carter didn't look too good. He might've been patched up with his shoulders wrapped in bandages, but he looked tired.

"You good?" Carter asked Nico.

"You should be asking yourself that." Nico grinned.

With renewed vigor, the two charged against Chaos.

Line Break

Thalia landed in the middle of the Resistance camp behind the wall, where the place serves as a base of operations for the time being.

When she landed, her knees buckled instantly as the adrenaline wore off. Her eyesight became fuzzy and she had trouble keeping her head straight.

"Thalia?" A familiar voice called. Thalia looked around to see Rachel wearing light leather armor. "Oh gods. We need medic!" Rachel rushed over to Thalia just in time to catch her falling to the ground.

She wasn't unconscious, but she was tired as hell.

Rachel thought she saw a ghost for a second. Thalia was deathly pale and her skin was feverish.

"Where are the others?" Thalia murmured weakly.

"They're fine for now." Rachel said as she poured some nectar gently into Thalia's lips. "You need to get some rest."

The nectar did well to help Thalia rejuvenate. The color slowly returned to her cheeks. She felt a little bit of her energy coming back to her. At least the yellow spots in her eyes were gone.

"I need to get back in." Thalia muttered.

"No." Rachel said firmly. "You've done enough. What you need is rest."

"But the others -"

"The others will be fine. I hope." Rachel said. The medic team arrived just in time to treat Thalia. "Focus on getting better so you can rejoin the battle sooner."

Thalia would've argued if she had some energy, but her latest stunt had her completely drained. She just nodded tiredly.

Rachel had been tasked with handling the Resistance's base of operations, somehow. Nobody told her to, nobody elected her to be their commander or anything like that, but they kept asking Rachel what to do so Rachel just accepted the role.

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