XXII : Shura's Visit

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"Isis?" Piper asked. "You mean the terrorist group?"

"Nope." Carter gripped his sword tightly. "A goddess. One that my sister used to host. She's the Queen of the Egyptian Gods. This explains how she's fully mortal but can do magic. I don't know how, but she has the Blood of the Pharaohs."

Scarlet smirked. "Took you long enough."

"What did you do with my sister?" Carter growled. Percy could sense Carter's anger boiling up.

"Isis mentioned her a lot." Scarlet said. "But I know nothing about her. I'm here for personal business."

"Liar!" Carter snapped. "Sadie was still hosting Isis when she went missing. If anyone's gonna know anything about her, it's you. Tell me now, or I will force it out of you."

Scarlet smirked. "You are no match for me, Carter Kane." By this point, Percy sensed something changed within Scarlet. Her aura changed. As if something was trying to take control over her.

"We'll see about that." Carter said as he rushed forward with his khopesh. The two exchanged blows as Percy and Piper watched in fascination. Spells and strikes were swung in a flurry.

Scarlet muttered a spell and Carter was hit by a fist of energy. He was sent flying but he transformed into a falcon for one quick second before transforming back into human, making a safe landing.

"I see." Scarlet said. "Your connection with Horus. It's weakening, isn't it?" Carter stayed silent to the question, which Scarlet assumed was him saying yes. "How long has it been since you last hosted Horus? His powers must be nothing but dying embers inside of you at this point."

"I don't need Horus to defeat you." Carter said. "My own powers are enough."

Scarlet smirked. "You've got like, what, five more Divine Words in you? After that, you'll burn up and you'll be powerless."

Carter grinned. "Like I said. It's enough." Carter rushed forward as he deflected bolts of energy from Scarlet. Scarlet then threw something at Carter, a small figurine.

The figurine grew and expanded into a life-sized, disfigured elephant. Carter ran straight into it as the shabti crumbled into nothing.

Carter groaned as he got up, to see Scarlet was already charging up another form of magic for him. "Ha-wi!" He rolled out of the way, but the blast still sent him flying a good few feet.

"Carter!" Piper tried getting up but the pain in her leg shot up and she collapsed back onto the ground. Percy felt so helpless. Carter was clearly no match for a goddess and Percy had no doubt that Piper or him were any match against Isis as well.

"You've defied me for the last time. All three of you will die." Scarlet snarled.

"Wait!" Percy shouted out. "A deal."

Scarlet stopped in her tracks and turned her head towards Percy. "What?"

It was Annabeth's favourite tactic. If beating them into a pulp doesn't work, then negotiate your way out of it.

"Let's make a deal." Percy said.

Scarlet glared at Percy. "Why would I need your help?"

"You want out, don't you?" Percy said as he shakily stood up. "You want out of this war."

Scarlet tensed and Percy knew he'd hit the spot. "When you asked for our help for the infiltration. And how you warned me not to go against Shura. You want me alive. You need me."

Scarlet stayed quiet as she continued to glare at Percy. "Perhaps it was Isis, still having some care for you demigods."

Percy shook his head. "Even so, you want this to end. So let's make a deal." As Scarlet turned her head, Percy saw something in her eyes. A spark of emotion, unfamiliar to him by Scarlet.

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