XIX : Serpent's Head

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"Where have you been?" Percy gave Nico a big hug. "I haven't heard from you in over two years!"

"Missed you too." Nico grunted. Then it was Thalia's turn to crush him with a hug. "Yep. Missed you."

"So where have you been?" Thalia asked.

"Sorting things out in the Underworld." Nico said. "Since my stepmom and Dad disappeared, things underground have been . . . restless, to say the least." Now that Percy looked closer, Nico looked tired and exhausted. "But thanks to Artemis, it's going back to normal-ish."

"Artemis visited you?" Thalia asked.

"Somewhat." Nico said. Then he told his side of the story.

Ever since Olympus went out of commission, there was no one left to 'supervise' the Underworld. Things got chaotic on Nico's end. Ghosts were causing riots and the demons there were on strike. They held mispelled signs that basically demanded for Hades to come back.

"Sounds rough." Percy said.

"Tell me about it." Nico replied. "There was this one demon who threatened to pour cheese fondue over Elysium."

"Doesn't seem too bad."

"Boiling cheese fondue."


"Then Artemis came along and sort of made contact with my Dad. I don't know what they were talking about, but the gist of it is that my Dad left me in charge for a while. So, I'm in charge of the Underworld. For now, at least."

Thalia and Percy stared at him.


"You're in charge of the Underworld?" Percy asked.

"For now." Nico added.

"You," Thalia said. "Are in charge of the Undeworld?" She repeated, as if she had trouble believing what Nico had just said, which was true.

"For now." Nico rolled his eyes. "Why do you guys keep leaving out that last bit?"

"Dude." Percy said. "I don't think you realize how incredible that is."

"It's a hassle." Nico admitted. "It took a while for the demons and the Furies to accept it, but it's settled in for now. The Underworld is somewhat under control so I can lend a helping hand to you guys."

"How did you even know we were here?" Percy asked.

Nico grinned. "Come with me."

Line Break

It was time for dinner and people were gathering at the mess hall. Percy saw Piper sitting with Rachel and the trio joined them.

"Nico?" Piper squinted her eyes, as if she wasn't sure she was seeing clearly.

"Heya." Nico waved.

"Hey." Rachel said. "Nice to finally see you."


"You don't seem surprised." Percy said to Rachel.

"Ah," Rachel realized. "You remember when I say that I have intel whenever something happens?" Rachel said. Percy and the others nodded. "Well, meet my informant."

"So you two have been talking to each other?" Thalia asked.

"Somewhat." Nico said. "I had Daedalus build a cell tower in the Underworld. You'd be surprised at the reception we get with cellphones underground."

"Anyway," Rachel continued. "Nico has been helping me inform the Crusader's movements over the past few months. Safe to say, he's done well."

"Well, glad to have you here then." Percy said.

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