V : Ocean's Awakening

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"Hello?" Percy answered as he picked up the call.

"Percy!" Rachel exclaimed from the other end of the call. "Oh thank gods, I finally got to you!"

"Uh, hey." Percy managed.

"Hey? Hey?!" Rachel shouted through the phone. "I haven't seen you for more than two years and all you could say is 'Hey'?!"

"Well, what else am I supposed to say?" Percy argued.

"How about-" Rachel stopped herself before sighing. "Nevermind. Where are you now?"

Percy looked at Thalia who had composed herself, sort of. Her eyes were still red and her cheeks were puffy, but she'd stopped crying. "Where are we?"

She took a deep breath. "I have no clue myself. After being chased for so long, I've lost track."

"You're with Thalia?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah." Percy put the phone on loudspeaker. "We ran into each other a few hours ago."

"Thank the gods." Rachel sighed. "Okay, nevermind. Can you make it to the city?"

Percy and Thalia frowned at her question. "Are you crazy?" Thalia asked. "We're like the most wanted people on earth."

"I know, but it's the only way I can find you." Rachel said. "Can't exactly tell you to turn on your GPS without alerting every Crusader here."

"Can't they trace my phone?" Percy asked.

"Don't worry, I've got that covered. But to be safe, I'm gonna have to ask you to throw your phone away." Rachel said. "You can never be too careful."

Percy nodded. "Tell me what's been going on out there."

Rachel gave them a momentary silence. "Shit's been crazy." She finally said. "Because of my involvement, I had to leave my family. My dad's been doing what he can, but he can only do so much to keep them from getting to me."

"Sorry to hear that." Percy said.

"I got lucky if you ask me. Compared to you guys." Rachel said miserably. "Heard about the attack two years ago on Camp Half-Blood. Then silence ever since. I tried contacting everyone I know, but you guys were off the grid."

"That's . . . good?" Thalia asked.

"Somewhat. But I was worried sick." Rachel admitted. "The Crusaders have been going on a massacre of demigods. It's like witch hunting all over again."

Upon hearing this, Percy's anger boiled. It took a few deep breaths before he calmed down again.

"Anyway, we need to meet up." Rachel said. "I've made contact with Reyna recently. We found a safe place for demigods. If you could make it to the city, we can meet up."

"Are you sure it's safe in the city?"

"No, of course not. But we don't have the luxury to be safe right now." Rachel said. "Try to make it within three days. Then send a signal. We'll be ready."

"What kind of signal?"

"Doesn't matter. As long as we know it's you." Rachel said. "Time's running out. I have to hang up. Destroy the phone and meet us up in three days."

"Got it. Stay safe, Rachel." Percy said before Rachel ended the call.

Percy and Thalia looked at each other. "I guess we have a heading."

Line Break (Three Days Later)

Percy, Thalia, and the rest of their group were on the run as monsters were hot on their tail.

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