A Visitor

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"Hermione, you're back!" Several of the Weasley clan seemed to shout about an hour and a half later as Harry, Hermione, and Mrs Weasley stepped through the fireplace. Her cheek now completely clear of glass and wounds healed, and her eyes very much open. 

"I am. I am much better, thank you, everyone," she smiled as Ginny and George pulled her into a group hug. 

"What is on your arm? Couldn't the Healers fix that?" Charlie asked as he pulled Hermione out of Bill's embrace and picked her up in a hug as well before passing her along to Mr Weasley, who hugged and passed her to Percy.

"Well em.."

"She took an allergic reaction to the strawberry milk. Unfortunately, as the skin irritation will take a few days to a week to go down as it can't be healed fully with magic." Harry explained, pulling Hermione to his side in a protective manner. 

"I do have a cream to relieve some itching and pain, though, which is good. It is a muggle medicine." Hermione further elaborated.

"Really?" asked Mr Weasley, sounding excited. Hermione chuckled and threw the tub to him to examine, knowing how much he wanted to. He caught it without a bother, and he and George moved to the table to investigate. 

"Now, supper time," Mr Weasley sighed as she headed into the kitchen as Ginny and Bill explained what they had concocted, and Charlie and Percy were discussing work and followed them. 

It was only then that Hermione noticed that Ron was sitting on the couch, looking miserable. He looked up to her. "Mione, can we talk?" He asked, sounding scared. 

Hermione moved across the living room and sat down next to her boyfriend. Harry did not leave the room, instead crossing his arms and leaning up against the door frame to give the couple a bit of privacy. But Ron was still in his bad books. Hermione felt sorry for Ron. She thought maybe Harry's reaction was a little uncalled-for. He gently took her bandaged arm, his hand, and kissed it delicately. 

"I am so sorry, Hermione. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said sorrowfully. "I thought I was doing something nice for you, changing the drink to your favourite."

"It's not her favourite, Ron. She is allergic!"

"Since when?" Ron asked a little defensively.

"Em... since I was born, Ron," she answered. 

"But I made you those truffles over the summer!"

"And you nearly did her in, mate! Thank God she had an EpiPen!" Harry snapped.

"A what? What the hell is an Emi Pan, and who is God?" Ron snapped, looking between Hermione and Harry. 

"My EpiPen Ron. I have shown both you and Harry how to use it in case I come to contact with strawberries, which I am very much allergic to. I have told you many times!" She sighed, exasperated. She had shown Ron her pen at least 6 times in her life, and he had seen it administered to her twice.

"Oh..the quill looking thing?"

"Yes, Ron!" Hermione smiled at her boyfriend. 

"But what kind of person is allergic to strawberries. That is bizarre. I bloody love strawberries!" He looked deep in thought. "Oh, now I would love some strawberries!"

Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose as Mrs Weasley called for dinner. "Come on," Ron exclaimed, pulling her by her good arm to her feet. "Let's get some food." He leaned into her and whispered. "And then we can have an early night, just the two of us, and maybe we could -"

He tried to push Hermione to the door, but Harry must have seen the slight hint of fear in her eyes. "You go on in, mate. I need to ask Hermione something about a spell she showed me." He smiled at his best mate as Ron turned to Hermione. 

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