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The day had finally arrived. 

Everyone was standing in the Great Hall waiting for Professor McGonagall to arrive with their exam results. After that, they would be heading outside to their parents to don their graduation gowns and witch and wizards hats to take their place to receive their diplomas. 

The girls had spent a fun-filled morning in Hermione's room getting ready for their day. Ginny and Pansy had to practically force Hermione into a dress. She had wanted to wear something simple but they were having none of it. 

"Girls, that is way too over the top. I am not wearing that!" She protested. 

"Oh yes, you are! Your mother picked it out special." Ginny defended. 

"And it is NOT over the top. It is perfect!" Pansy added. 

"Seriously Hermione you will look fabulous in it."

"Not you too Luna," Hermione groaned looking into the dress bag again and frowning.

"Honest honey I am wearing something similar myself," Pansy encouraged her taking her dress out of the bag. 

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Just as over the top?"

"Just as glamorous," Ginny assured her. 

Pansy took the dress intended for Hermione out of the bag. "Mione." She said walking up to her. "I love you darling but put the damn dress on or I will kick your ass!"

And so here Hermione stood in her over-the-top dress and heels waiting on the boys to arrive. They were cutting it close as everyone else was in the hall. She was just going to suggest that she ask Ezra or Dean to go fetch them when the doors opened and in walked Harry and Draco, followed by Blaise and Theo, who were giddy with excitement. 

Draco didn't look up until he was standing right in front of Hermione. When he did, however, his jaw nearly hit the floor. "Her... Hermione!" He gasped. "Merlin, you look incredible!" He blushed. 

He leaned in and kissed her before looking her up and down. "I mean it, love. You look sensational."

"Thank you, Draco," she smiled at the look on his face. Maybe the dress wasn't so bad after all. "What took you guys so long?"

Draco looked frozen. "We were....just chatting to our mothers, actually. They are outside and they have decided to host a party this evening for all our friends to celebrate our graduation."

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "They did? Why did they not mention anything?"

"Apparently, we are the only ones they didn't mention anything to." Draco laughed. 

His point was just proven right when Ezra leaned over to them. "I am excited about your party later, guys. It's going to be a great send-off for everyone." he smiled. "And Hermione, you are stunning!" he winked and moved back into Dean's arms. 

"OK, so we are having a party," Hermione laughed. "So much for my quiet dinner idea."

Draco wrapped his arms around her. "You are too stunning for a quiet dinner. You need to be shown off, and I get to brag that you are my girl."

Hermione laughed but leaned into him. She loved it when he called her his girl.

The hall went deathly quiet just then as Professor McGonagall walked in through the Trophy Room and made her way to the podium. She looked out at the faces full of fear for the last time. "Good morning, students. I am sure you are all eager to see what you got in your exams. I have to say that I am very proud this year. You have all done extremely well. I have the results here. When you are satisfied, you can head to the entrance hall where Professor Flitwick has your hat and gowns ready for you." 

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