The Best Plan Ever

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This was too good of an opportunity to waste, so the eight friends, decided to skip lunch and find Filch. With the map it wasn't hard and, it was their lucky day. He was currently in the entrance hall and Ron was in the Great hall having lunch. 

They were staked out under the grand staircase watching, waiting for the perfect moment. They needed a way to give the box to Filch and make him open it without anyone else around. 

No one was having much luck, until Hermione spotted Ezra coming out of the great hall. She stepped out from her hiding place and walked over to him, linking her arm though his and guiding him to her spot again.

"Well, hello to you too, Hermione. Look, if you are looking to make out in here, I should warn you -" Draco gave a loud cough and Ezra turned around. "I don't like an audience," he finished. 

Draco looked furious. 

"No, no Ezra. We need your help. We need you to deliver this box to Filch." Hermione handed him the box. "Tell him you confiscated it as it had a Weasley symbol on it, and they are banned products. Do NOT stand next to him when he opens it. Take a good few steps back. If we are right, a powder will fly out, and you do NOT want to inhale it—trust me."

"I didn't take you for a practical joker, Hermione, but I will do it—for you." He smiled, and Draco scowled from behind him. Flirting with my girlfriend. How dare he! Although he doesn't know she is your girlfriend. Does she know? Technically, we never discussed it fully.

Ezra didn't waste time. He took the box, holding it like it was precious cargo, and headed over to Filch. Hermione and the gang have no idea what he actually said to Filch, but it seemed to work. Filch took the box smiling and set it on the floor. While he was bending down, Ezra backed up, taking a few close students with him and gesturing to the others to get back, thankfully they did.

Filch leaned forward and opened the box. BANG! The pink powder exploded everywhere, all over the old man and his cat. They both resembled candy floss as they stood up. The powder seemed to absorb into their skin as when he stood up fully and looked down, he was perfcetly fine looking again.  That's when he bent down to the box and saw a picture of Ron taped to the lid.

For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then Filch leapt forward, grasping Ezra, and the male student next to him, by the collars. "Have you seen him?" Filch asked. The gang knew it was successful and came out of their hiding place to get a better view. 

"Seen who?" Ezra asked. 

"Ron Weasley of course, I have to find him." Filch looked around and spotted Ginny. "You are his sister. Do know where that handsome hunk is?"

Ginny didn't know wether to gag or laugh.  At that moment, Ron entered the foyer so Ginny just pointed at him. Filch followed her finger and saw Ron. He took off leaping. "It's you, it's you. I found you. I thought I had lost you. Your hair is as bright as the sun on a scorching day."

"The fuck?" Ron asked bewildered as Filch leapt into his arms. 

"Oh I am so happy I found you. Let's go for a walk. Let's go on a date." Ron threw him off and straightened himself up. By now Filch's shouting had attracted a crowd."I know," he said running his hand along Ron's tie, pulling it out from his jumper. "Let's go back to your room."

At that the whole hall erupted into fits of laughter.

Blaise stepped forward with Hermiones camera raised snapping away. He turned to her. "I'm sure you will want to remember this." He winked.

Ron looked like he might be sick. He didn't even know what to say.

"Stop laughing at my Ronniekins," Flich cried to the foyer full if students and teachers.

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