After Party

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"Are you ok?" Draco asked. He and Hermione were currently in the bathroom of the house, while Hermione tidied herself up and Draco fixed one of her wings that had broken as she was pressed against the wall.

"I am fine," she reassured him. "He didn't really get to touch me apart of graze my...em...well underwear. You showed up just as he was about to though, thank you."

Draco pulled Hemrione into his arms, hugging her. He kissed the top of her head and cupped her cheeks. "I will always be there for you."

She smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.

"When I think about what he could have done -" Draco said as he pressed his forehead against hers. It was all he would think about.

When he entered the room he saw Ron with her pinned against the wall, his hand up her skirt and be saw red. He actually could have cursed him right there and then. But the look on Hermione's face stopped him. She needed him in that moment and be knew that deep down she would be upset of he killed her former best friend.

Even if he wanted to and even if the dickhead deserved it.

"Hey," Hermione said gently cupping his face this time and catching his gaze. "He didn't and that's the important part. Let's not focus on him. He wanted to ruin our night and I refuse to give him that power. I chose you. He will have to get used to it. I will always chose you!"

"And I will always chose you!"

"So, come on! We have another hour or so before the party is over. I say we make the most of it."

Draco grabbed Hermione, passionately kissing her. "Yes ma'am!" He bowed before wrapping an arm around her waist and leaving the bathroom with her.

They made their way upstairs to the attic to join their friends.

"Everyone OK?" Luna asked as she passed everyone drinks.

"I have no idea what is going on, but I can't believe Ron would say those things," Seamus muttered taking a glass from Luna.

"Has he been torturing you like this for long Hermione?" Dean asked.

"Since I broke up with him yes." She looked down. "He can't accept that we are finished. That I am with Draco. He sees it as the ultimate betrayal from Harry and myself."

"He's always hated me," Draco chuckled.

"Same," Theo, Pansy and Blaise laughed.

"He was always a bit rude and he could be mean, but that was something else. Although he's always scared me a little." Hannah admitted. "Sorry it's not my place." She blushed.

Hermione reached over Neville and took Hannah's hand. "You are Nevilles girlfriend. You are one of us. It is your place. Right here." She placed Hannah's hand on Neville's and winked at her friend as Neville mouthed 'thank you'.

"I'm so sorry everyone. I really hate him for what he is doing. To everyone. Bit he is still my brother."

"Of course he is Ginny. You don't need to apologise," Draco winked at her making her smile.

"Well I say we forget about him. I say we do some shots!" Blaise declared rubbing his hands together.

This was met by a round of cheers and a drinking game ensued where Seamus showed them how the Irish held their liquor as well as some Irish dancing, which Luna and Hermione really took to.

By the end of the party, the Prefects stood at the front door of the house, saying goodnight to classmates and making sure everyone made it up to the castle safely.

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