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They may have shared a kiss but Hermione and Draco in were in no hurry to jump into anything. 24 hours wasn't exactly a lot of time to wait between relationships. Even is it is what they both wanted.

So the remaining few days of the holidays they spent time together. Really getting to know each other.

Hermione also spent time with her mother and Blaise, learning more about them and her family name. Especially the Nightingale name as it was fascinating to her and her mother loved telling her about them all.

Hermione and Draco may not have been jumping into anything straight away, but it seemed that Pansy and Harry were not wasting time. They day after their little chat, they decided to head into muggle London so Harry could show Pansy the muggle sights and treat her to her first proper date.

When they got back Hermione had hounded Pansy with questions and both ladies loved it. Pansy was glad to have someone to share gossip with and Hermione was delighted that they had found each other and things seemed to be going well between them.

Theo and Pansy now called everyday. Theo was fascinated to hear about Harry's Horcrux hunting and battle with Voldemort and he was positively charmed by Hermione, calling her a little doll.

The six of them spent their days lounging by the pool swimming and talking to each other.

Draco was loving this time with Hermione. He would find spots to steal kisses from her and flirt with her in a crowded room.

Hermione was loving it just as much. It was thrilling when he pulled her behind the waterfall to kiss her because in his words, "he missed the taste of her lips".

Everyone knew what was going on. Blaise had tried to keep them apart so much as he could. Sitting in between them when they had tea with the mothers.

Checking on Draco's room to make sure that they were both not in fact,  sharing a bed.

It was actually pretty fun. What wasn't fun was the letters that had begun to arrive. Three letters a day.

Everyone one of them from Ron.

He would tell her he missed her and he was sorry in one and then in the next, he was bad-mouthing her for not answering him.

But she meant it when she said she was done. When he began acting like a friend again and not a jealous ex - she would speak with him.

But until then, every letter was sent back with Ron's owl Pig.

On the 4th day of letters, a different one arrived. This time was a howler! It arrived at the breakfast table right in front of the entire blended family.

"Ron!" Harry scowled as he recognised the bird.

"Is that a -" Adelia started but Draco was too quick to react, as the red envelope had already begun shaking. He grabbed the letter and made a beeline for the foyer, obviously trying desperately to get the letter away from Hermione. Harry and Blaise were on their feet too, holding open the doors as Draco ran, following behind him.

Hermione was absolutely mortified. Did he send her a bloody Howler? What was he playing at? There was a scuffle in the hallway followed by lots of cursing and shouting. She didn't catch everything but Hermione definitely heard 'slut' and 'whore' and what she thought was the phrase 'you will pay' before there was a small explosion.

The three women jumped to their feet and ran to see what was going on and to make sure no one was injured. At the end of the hallway all three lads were in some sort of wrestling match as black scorch marks were now showing on the marble floor. 

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