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On Saturday morning everyone had gathered in the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione and Draco were the last to arrive, as Hermione had wanted to find Fred to ask him a favour. Luckily she managed to find him on the second floor, giving Peeves advice on how to shave the fur off poor Mrs Norris. 

When they did manage to make it down to breakfast, they walked into the hall holding hands, as they always did. Ron caught Hermione's eye as she walked past. She offered him a half smile, but his face changed to a dead stone glare. Draco noticed his expression and wrapped a protective arm around Hermione, who leaned into her boyfriends side. "He has got so...angry lately." She muttered to Draco.

Draco looked back past Ron and to Padma who, although she hadn't noticed Ron staring at Hermione, she gave a sad look when she turned to speak to him only to notice the change in his demeanour. Draco couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She was too good for the jacked up little weasel. 

Hermione and Draco sat down and could literally feel Ron's eyes on the back of their heads. "You've got an audience," Pansy said, sitting opposite them and therefore in full view of Ron. "He looks very pissed off." She smirked feeling not at all sorry for him.

"Just ignore him," Hermione said as Harry leaned across the table and gave his best friend a reassuring pat on the back. 

"Hurry up," Ginny snapped up at them. "I want to get to Hogsmeade and back in time for Quidditch practise. Harry and I can't be late again."

Hermione pulled out her wand and transfigured everyone's tea and coffee cups into take out cups and quickly butter and jammed some toast for her and Draco. "Ok, let's go then." 

"Hermione, you really do think of everything," Luna smiled at her friend as she sipped tea from her cup. 

They divided up into two groups for the carriage ride with Blaise and Luna sitting with Hermione and Draco. Blaise was questioning Draco more on his business venture as Luna complimented Hermione once again on her aura and explained the various colours one could have. 

They were straight to business as they hopped off the carriages, with Ginny practically shouting at everyone to stay focused and with the group. She had never sounded more like her mother than she did at that moment. It reminded Harry of the first time he met Mrs Weasley as she was marching her family through Kings Cross on September 1st of Harry's first year. 

As they stepped into the shop, the little bell in the door jingled and George popped up from behind the counter. "Oh good, it's you lot. I have had to move the meeting to the back stock room as my office isn't big enough for everyone. Kingsley and Bill are already in there. Straight through those doors and downstairs. I will be there just as soon as Angelina arrives to let me away."

Everyone smiled as they headed past him, with Ginny and Hermione giving him a quick hug as they went. Harry led the way in through the double doors at the back of shop and to the left, down the stairs. Sure enough Kingsley and Bill were already sitting at the table, cups of tea in hand and happily chatting. 

Bill looked up noticing the new arrivals first. He stood up to greet them as Ginny ran and threw herself into his arms. 

"It's god to see you too Gin," he chuckled. 

"How is Fleur? The sickness subsided yet? How is my niece and/or nephew?" Bill hadn't actually let her down yet, having lifted her off the floor when he stooped to hug her. 

"Fleur is doing wonderful. She is positively glowing. Her morning sickness has actually stopped, but she is what mom calls in the nesting period, cleaning and decorating getting ready for the baby's arrival. We are very excited." 

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