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"You got this!" Pansy encouraged.

Hermione was standing just off from the landing at the top of the stairs. From where she stood hunched over she was gasping for breath, she could see Draco waiting for her in the middle of the stairs and a stream of photographer's and reporters also waiting.

For her big debut.

But Hermione could not manage to move her feet. "Pansy...I....can't.... -"

"Yes you can!" Pansy encouraged again. Pansy helped pull her to her feet again. "Can I remind you that you Hermione Granger Zabini have faced many many things far more scary than a group of reporters. Honey you helped take down Vol...Voldemort. You can do anything."

"You used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix Lestrange to break into Gringotts and you escaped by jumping onto the back of a bloody dragon!" Ginny reminded her friend.

"Yes! See you - did what?" Pansy gasped.

Hermione shrugged.

"Ok girl if you did that you can do anything! Come on. All you have to do is walk to Draco and let him guide you the rest of the way."

"Walk to Draco," Hermione repeated catching her breath.

As if at that moment he knew she needed him, an orb came billowing towards Hermione only stopping when it was at her ear. She heard his voice. "You can do this. I believe in you." It worked. She fixed her dress and shook the thoughts from her head.

"I can do this." She said and with new found confidence, she began to walk.

Ginny went first, reaching Theo in the middle of the stairs and they walked down together and into the good room as the photographers followed them, snapping away for all they were worth.

Next Pansy went down looking glamorous and confident to a very nervous looking Harry. Pansy took his hand and Hermione could see him instantly relax. He helped her down and she looked at him, never taking her eyes off his.

Then Luna winked at Hermione before she too descended the staircase. She made a beeline for Blaise and pulled him into a hug. He chuckled before taking her hand as they followed the others down the stairs.

Then it was Hermione's turn. She stood at the top step on the staircase as everyone down below her turned to see her. There was a round of gasps as people finally caught a glimpse of her. Hermione however had yet to even see them. She was staring at Draco.

His navy suit, with crisp white shirt made his look positively dashing. The mauve bow tie, gold clip and mauve and gold pocket square made him match with her perfectly. But the main thing she noticed was his eyes. When he first looked up at her, his eyes grew wide and now, as she put one foot in front of the other and made her way down towards him, she could see a glistening in them.

He was overcome with emotion. Overcome with love for this beauty as she made her way towards him.

She stopped just in front of him, not really knowing what to do next. She didn't need to though, as Draco took her hand and bent down kissing, not her hand but her wrist. It was more intimate in his eyes. He then, without realising, caressed her cheek.

"You look sensational my darling," he whispered to her.

"Thank you love. You look very handsome. I am a lucky girl."

"I believe it is me who is lucky. Shall we?" He held out his arm like a proper gentleman and she wrapped hers under him. He lifted his other hand to clap over the one now holding onto him. she placed her other hand on top of his. They made their way down to 'oohs' and 'aws' making their way into the good room with the others.

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