Waiting for a miracle

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Draco had forgotten all sense of time. 

Hermione was still unconscious. The Healers checked on her regularly, but they said it was up to her to bring herself out of whatever level of consciousness she was currently in. If she even could. 

They had brought muggle machines in a few days ago, which gave off a beeping sound, that apparently was Hermione's heartbeat. As long as that sound kept going, he knew that she was still with him. 

Not that he would be letting her slip away from him that easily. Not a chance. They had only begun their story. This was only the prologue. There were still many, many chapters left for them. He just knew it. 

But with each passing day, each passing hour, a shred of doubt would set in. He knew she was too good for him. Knew that she was better than this whole world. Was this his punishment for his past actions? Someone playing a cruel joke on him. 

'This is what you could have had if you were a decent human being growing up.' 

'Here is the life you should have had, but you don't deserve it, and now we are taking it away forever.'

He knew life could be cruel. He had seen it first hand. So, was this his punishment?

No. Hermione didn't deserve this. No one would out the poor girl through all this, just to rip her life away from her. She deserved to be happy, more than anyone. 

She had a certain look of peace as she lay there. Draco had got Adelia to bring clothes for Hermione pyjamas, so she would at least be comfortable. He had got her the best he could. Best Healer, even a muggle dockter thingy, the best bed, the best suite, best clothing. Whatever he could.

And it still didn't feel like enough. 

There was a sound behind him as the door to the suite slid open, and he knew someone had entered the room, but he did not take his eyes off his girlfriend to see who it was. 

"Any update?" It was Harry. He went to stand on the other side of Hermione's bed and pulled up a chair. 

"Nothing." Draco mumbled. 

"I brought you some clothes. I know you wouldn't want to leave her."

"Not even for a minute." Draco answered, grateful that Harry hadn't even suggested he go. Everyone had tried to get him to take a break, but he couldn't. He had to be here. He wanted to be holding her hand when she woke up. 

He dampened the swabs he had been given, and like he had been doing every 10 minutes, he dampened her lips.

Harry sighed. "Come on, Hermione. Everyone is waiting for you to open your eyes." He thought for a minute before adding. "You know you have missed a whole month of school?" 

Draco chuckled. "Has it only been four weeks? Feels like a lot longer."

"Yeah. I handed in your assignments, by the way... you had a DADA one. I hope it's up to your usual standards."

"You did an assignment for me?"

Harry shrugged. "It was only set yesterday and due today, so I did it for you. You were asleep when I got here last night, and I didn't want to wake you up to do it."

"Thank you, Harry," Draco half smiled. 

"Na, it was nothing. You were holding down the fort here. Have you eaten?"

"A little. I had a banana and a glass of water earlier. Blaise has taken over for Professor Lupin and is handing out chocolate like it's Halloween."

Harry chuckled. Then looked to Draco. "She is going to be ok. Hermione. She has faced tougher demons than this. Can't think of any right now, but I know she has."

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