Potions Class

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Over the next few days, they replayed the events of that night over and over for themselves and their friends, not being able to understand what it was that caused a dead rat to move.

Every night they would go back to the corridor entrance, with the map. They would always see the same squiggle on the map, they would feel the same coldness and shivering feeling, then, as soon as it came, it would disappear. 

But they never saw anything more than they did that night. Nothing exciting took place.

On Monday morning, they sat at in their dorm before classes started. Hermione had received her timetable and was pleased to find she had quite a few free periods. Not as many as everyone else but then again she had taken on more subjects than most.

They had decided today to eat in their dorm room. One so they could lie on for an extra few minutes and two because today was the day the Monistry official would be coming to talk to them.

Not just them as it turned out but Harry, Blaise, Adelia and Ron as well.

They didn't want to sit in the hall with Ron who might cause a scene.

Hermione, as always was ready first. She sat at the table, waiting on Draco who was out of the shower and in his room getting dressed. Their timetables had been left of the table for them, so she was contemplating taking a peek at Draco's to see if they had classes together.

She didn't want to see nosy.

But that didn't matter, as soon as Draco entered the little kitchen, he pulled the timetable over so it sat beside Hermione's and read over her shoulder, his hand on her back.

"Seems like we have quite a few classes together. All bar one in fact.
Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions,  and then I have DADA and you have Alelchemy, which I admit sounds much more appealing."

He smirked and sat down next to her, pouring them both coffee. Hermione helped adding a half a sugar cube in hers and a full sugar cube in Draco's before adding a splash of milk to both.

He was still smirking as he took a sip. "Mmmm we make a good coffee. What time is the meeting at?"

"I think McGonagall said it would be some time this morning. But she wasn't exactly..." she trailed off as a piece of parchment came floating into the room. But she had no idea where it came from. "Sure," she finished looking confused.

"I swear she can hear us," Draco said looking around half expecting her to appear.

Hermione opened the piece of paper and read aloud.

'Mr Malfoy & Miss Granger-Zabini,
The Minister for Magic and his official will be here promptly at 10am.
I suggest you head to class as normal and I will have you summoned when you are needed.
Enjoy your first day back at lessons.
Minerva McGonagall

"Well I guess that answers that question."

It was about 15 minutes later when the two Heads were heading to their first class. Potions.

Hermione had to admit this was one of her favourite classes. Hers and Dracos.

Draco was watching her as moved down the hallway. She made a point of smiling to everyone and they stopped twice to give directions to a group of first years.

"You were made for this role," he complimented. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to try and be Minister for Magic?"

"I think Kingsley Shacklebolt would have something so say about that. But it would be fun. Imagine the changes I could make if I was in charge."

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