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Sitting in Potions class, Draco kept one eye on his work and the other on Ron, who he expected to look very grumpy because he wasn't able to get the potion ingredients. However Ron didn't look pissed. He looked down right terrified.

What was he afraid of? What was going on with the ginger nut job?

"Draco not that vial!" Hermione said taking his wrist to stop him pouring what he assumed to be the next ingredient. "Love that's wisp vapour. We've already added that one. More and the potion will turn septic."

"Sorry!" Draco shook his head. "Sorry I was distracted."

"Good thing you have me then," she smiled warmly at him.

"Yes it is," he rubbed his thumb along her knuckles.

Draco smiled to his girlfriend in return, not noticing how Ron was now keeping his eyes on them.

Them and not his potion. Until their was a rather loud....explosion.

Hermione wasn't sure what happened but Draco was hunched over her, shielding her from the blaze. Hermione noticed Harry and done the same with Pansy.

And poor Theo was thrown though the air, landing on the couples desk in front of them.

"Sweet Dragon Balls!" He groaned as he sat up, his face covered in soot and a severe burn on his cheek. He was also missing an eyebrow on his left side. "What the hell Weasley?! I told you not bloody add that powder!"

Ron just moaned in pain.

"Dear, oh dear. You both need the hospital wing." Professor Slughorn tutted as he conjured two stretchers and levitated both boys into them. "Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger, can you take these two to the hospital wing. Miss Weasley, you go too."

"Yes sir," Hermione nodded as she flicked her wand and the levitating stretchers began to move.

Draco grabbed the door as Hermione moved the boys into the hall, with Ginny on her heels with Ron's bag over her shoulder.

She grabbed Theo's hand as they headed around the corner and towards the stairs. "You ok sweetheart?" She asked him.

"Did you just call him sweetheart? Now I feel even sicker." Ron rolled his eyes and looked away from his sister.

Ginny sighed. "He is my boyfriend Ron. Everyone else in the family are happy for me and -"

"Everyone else are sheep!" Ron snapped. "Follow the crowd! And you are flaunting your new relationship in front of Harry. I didn't think you would stoop to Hermione's level of bitchiness!"

"Oi!" Draco warned. "Neither of these ladies did anything wrong. It's not their fault you can't accept that they have moved on. Harry too just so you know."

"And for your information Ronald, I don't flaunt anything in front of you. I don't care enough about you to want to."

Draco smirked and winked at his girl.

"Whatever," Ron groaned. "As if I care."

Hermione moved ahead, walking with Theo. But as she did, Draco noticed Ron sigh and look her way. It was clear he did care.

They reached the hospital wing with Draco and Ginny opening the doors to let the two stretchers in.

"Professor Slughorn, prewarned me about what happened to you." She said rushing to them. Draco smirked, remembering the last time he saw her. And how much of her he nearly seen.

"Potions explosion," Ginny explained.

"Because he is an idiot!" Theo pointed to Ron.

"It's a pity it only took off an eyebrow!" Ron spat.

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