I am a bloody woman!

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Hermione had finished her apple as she walked, vanishing the remains. She knew she was being silly letting Ronald get to her like this, but she couldn't snap herself out of it. She knew the boys would not understand and it was too embarrassing to try to speak with Adelia or Narcissa about how she was feeling. 

Hermione always felt she was extremely lucky with have made friends with Ron and Harry in 1st year. The adventures that they had together, were second to none. But at times like this, she did wish that she had made more of an effort with the girls in her year. Just to have someone to talk girly things with. Things like boys, periods, makeup, clothes etc. 

Hermione was a girly girl at heart but she had no one to help her during her teenage years growing up, and as a result, she became somewhat of a toy boy. 

She walked down to the lake at the end of the garden and sat on the dock removing her socks and trainers, letting her feet dangle in the water and her mind went over her and Ron's relationship trying to think of times when he could have been off cheating. Off cheating while she was at home. At his home, with his family. 

God, she was pathetic. 

"Knut for you thoughts?" A girl's voice called behind her. Hermione turned and if she had been sitting closer to the edge of the dock she would have surely fallen in. 

There standing behind her, looking at her with a mixture of admiration and pity was Pansy Parkinson. 

Hermione wiped her eyes. "Are you looking for Blaise?" 

Pansy approached and sat down next to Hermione, removing her socks and shoes as well, rolling her trouser legs up to her knees. "No." She stated simply. 

"Oh..." Hermione began. 

"Blaise asked me to stop by and he told me about your new family dynamic. He has been talking about his mother for years. I was so pleased to hear that he had finally met her. And found out that he had a sister as well. He is very blessed."

Hermione gave a small smile. 

"I couldn't quite believe it when I arrived there to be told that not only did Blaise look completely bloody different, hot too I might add, but that his sister was none other than the greatest and brightest witch of our generation Hermione Granger. Not only that but his family had also taken in Harry Potter and managed to get the Malfoys to move in with them."

"It's all true," Hermione said. 

"So I come over to meet this new family. To apologise to Blaise's sister and brother for my appalling behaviour over the years and to hope that we can start over as friends, and I am told of how bloody awful Ron Bloody Weasley has treated you!"

Hermione looked up at Pansy to see her looking completely disgusted. 

"Padma Patil? Really?" She asked. 

Hermione sighed and nodded. 

"Nope. I do not believe it. You are going to have to tell me it in your own words, Granger."

 And so Hermione did. She ended up telling Pansy everything. More than she had ever told Harry. She told her about her doubts about Ron as soon as the war was over and things settled down. She told Pansy how every time he kissed her, it felt like being kissed by a fish. How he only wanted to go out with her to places where he knew reporters would be lurking. 

But she didn't stop there. She told Pansy, how she was not ready for sex when Ron came into her room one night and pressured her into it. Saying that she was his girlfriend and this is what girlfriends were supposed to do. Hermione told her how he forced his hand down her trousers and even though she tried to squeeze her legs closed, he laughed and told her this is what she wanted, even though she didn't. How the sex was awful, lasting a grand total of about 6 minutes, and afterwards, he patted her on the back and left her alone in the bedroom crying. 

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