Courtship Ettiquite

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Hermione wanted the group to swallow her up. "I am sorry. It was no reflection on you but -"

Kingsley raised a hand up to stop her. "Do not apologise my dear, I completely agree." He gestured to Harry. "Why else do you think I would be pestering him to joining the department as soon as he graduates? I know that they are a shambles right now. They have no real training. Babies in uniform so they are. No I know that the people in this room, give or take a few missing, would be better suited to the task at hand. But I do offer the Ministry's help in any way I can."

Draco really liked this Minister. "Ok well, the first thing we need to do if research the curse. Find out how it was performed, where and why they needed seven."

"Well seven is the most magical number there is," Adelia answered, thankful to finally know something. "It's why Voldemort wanted to make seven Horcruxes. Why there are seven years in magical schools and why most pregnancies for witches only last seven months."

"They do?" Hermione asked. shocked. "But how can the baby be fully formed by then?"

"Because my dear, we take potions and remedies throughout our pregnancy's to ensure the baby's develop fully and are healthy. We have bi-weekly check-ups to make sure everything is progressing nicely. We women are well looked after," Narcissa winked.

"Ok then," Blaise said sounding uncomfortable. "So we need seven geniuses. That leaves me out," he chuckled.

"Me too!" Harry and Narcissa said together.

"It didn't say geniuses, it said powerful beings. Sorry Harry but you are definitely one," Draco laughed.

"Don't know what you are laughing at Mr Malfoy," Kingsley smirked. "You and Miss Zabini will be joining him."

Draco groaned.

"Well, Minister, I would say you would be another, and Professor McGonagall." Blaise added trying to think of another two people.

"Let me have a think of the other two. I will confer with my sources at the Ministry and find two powerful witches or wizards who can help us. But for now, this can wait. At least until after your ball. Like you said Hermione, Ronald is safe while he is away from Hogwarts. The connection is weak. So nothing will happen until he heads back to school." Kingsley said after a few minutes silence.

"The Minister is right," Narcissa smiled. "We have loads organised for over the holidays. Let's not spoil it."

"The reason I came was to see how you had settled in Hermione? I hear you and Draco are Head Boy and Girl? Congratulations. And Blaise and Harry are prefects? My commiserations. I hated being prefect in school!" He chuckled.

"I am doing very well, Kingsley. Everyone has been very accepting of me and Blaise as siblings. I had my name changed to Zabini and got a copy my birth records a few weeks back. School is going great and I am loving being with all my friends -"

"And I am keeping an eye on them both!" Blaise said narrowing his eyes at Draco who rolled his.

"Yes, I did hear about your courtship," Kingsley smiled. "It's about time."

Hermione once again blushed. She was sitting next to Draco, he had his arm around her. He didn't even look phased by the talk of their relationship. "Well I have not formally spoken to Adelia about it, we were a little...unconventional with how our relationship began." He smiled at Hermione as he spoke.

"Ok, now I am lost." Hermione said looking around the room. Only Harry seemed to be confused by what Draco said. "Why would you need to speak to Adelia?"

Draco turned slightly to face his girlfriend. "Well in the wizarding community there is a way that courtships start. First, I would speak with you, to ensure we would be compatible. Then I would speak to your mother to make my intentions clear. That way if any other wizarding family should show interest in you, she could let them know you are being courted."

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