New Merch

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For the first time in years, Hermione actually woke up feeling like she had a decent nights sleep. She was refreshed and content. She hadn't felt this way since, probably before she heard that Voldemort was back.

She would never admit it, especially to Harry or Ron, but Hermione had always been on edge the last few years. She knew that given she was a muggleborn, plenty of wizards would simply kill her as soon as they seen her. Or more likely tortured her. Heck she had been tortured. She had the scar to prove it. She knew the boys relied on her. Her plans, her ideas, her quick thinking. 

But the responsibility had taken it's toll on  her. She was always on high alert. The slightest noise or movement. She learnt over the past few years to survive on about 2/3 hours sleep a night. She had to be ready for anything and everything, which meant there was no time to relax. 

But now, she lay in her bed, in her Head's dorm knowing that there was no big, bad evil out to get innocent people. There was no one relying on her to survive. All she had to do was make it through the final year at school. And Ron, but she was still holding out hope that something was wrong with him.

She wanted to rescue him as she missed her friend. But these last few days she had come to realise that she had new friends, more family than she could dream of and she didn't need Ron as much as she thought she did. 

Harry, she knew she couldn't live without. He was her family. But Ron? Well they had always fought. She had put it down to this romantic feeling she had towards him but now looking back, it was nothing more than a crush.  Actually Ron had never been a good friend. He was jealous and mean and would take his anger out on her and Harry.

She didn't need that in her life anymore. She was happy. 

"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked, stirring beside her in the bed. 

"Just how happy I am. I haven't felt like this is a long time. It's nice." She moved around so she was facing him as he placed his hand on her hip.

"I don't think I have ever felt this happy. I never had a real girlfriend before. The only girlfriend I had was Pansy for a week before we realised we would be awful together and were better as friends and Astoria, who was set up for us by our parents. Neither of us really wanted it. You know we never even kissed? I mean we did other things but never kissed." He blushed. 

"At least your honest," Hermione laughed. No use getting upset over something that happened before were together. After all, she wasn't as innocent as she seemed. She had been with both Viktor and Ron before him. "We do need to get up though for class."

"Do we have to? Can't we just lay here and let he world pass by?"

"I wish we could," she really did. "But we have to get ready." She kissed him before rising off the bed and heading for a shower. 

Draco watched as she walked out of the room, turning back to smile at him. She was sexy as hell and didn't even realise it. She wasn't even trying. He couldn't quite believe the girl of his dreams was his. 

He was a lucky git!

Lucky that Hermione got them up when they did. Draco was now sitting on the couch, slipping on his school shoes as Hermione was packing her bookbag when there door to the Prefects dorm, burst open and Blaise came in.

"Morning bitches!" He shouted as he pulled Luna in with him, holding her hand. She was beaming, looking up at him with the cutest expression. 

"Morning," his sister relied. "You are in a good mood."

"I am." He smirked as the rest of the group walked in. "It's a lovely morning, I have my family, my friends, my girl and I have the best pictures of Ron and Filch from yesterday." He held out the photos. "This one is getting blown up and sent to Filch for Christmas."

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