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The rest of the meeting went by in a blur as Kingsley and members of the Wizengamot went through legal proceedings.

Hermione found out that her father had been sentenced to life in Azkaban for his involvement in the war and for betrayal of The Ministry. As such, her mother, being legally still his wife, was now responsible for the entire Zabini state. Both Zabini grandparents were deceased, and their manor destroyed in the war, so Blaise had been spending his summer at Malfoy manner with Draco and his mother. But this was the home of Adelia's parents. Where she grew up and where she lived when she first married her husband Abraham. It had been abandoned ever since.

Hermione, Adelia, Harry, Blaise, and Kingsley were now standing outside a run-down Manor.

"The gates were added when your father died Adelia and have been locked for a long time, so no trespassers could get in and steal what was inside. There is ancient magic surrounding the property. The gates will only open by a blood heir. That would be either you or Blaise, Hermione, as your grandfather believed your mother to be dead and may have taken ger off the ownership. Once opened, the house should recognise you and your mother as the true owners."

"Should?" Harry asked nervously.

"Well, it is just a theory. I have yet to test it." Kinsley looked nervous.

"Well, then I will go first," Blaise said, stepping forward before hesitating. "Eh, what will happen if it doesn't recognise me?"

Kingsley shrugged, not knowing the answer, causing Blaise to sigh. "Perfect! I find my mother, and learn I have a sister, and I get eaten by a house all in one day. I am going to need therapy after this."

"Not if you're dead, you won't." Hermione offered.

"Thanks a lot, sis," Blaise rolled his eyes. Hermione's heart gave a little flutter when he addressed her as sister. She looked up at him, and he looked down, giving her a smirk. He then took a deep breath and stepped forward once more. "What exactly do I have to do?"

"Place your hand on the crest in the middle of the gate there," Kingsley said, adding, "in theory."

Blaise slowly lifted his hand up to the large Zabini family crest embossed into the cast iron. He gulped before setting his hand onto the crest fully.

For a few seconds, nothing happened. Hermione didn't know what to expect anyway, but she thought maybe something exciting at least would manifest.

Her blood ran cold, though, as Blaise suddenly gave out a blood-curdling scream as he violently shook. His whole body seemed to be out of control as the scream continued.

Without thinking, Hermione jumped forward and pulled Blaise back with such force that the two of them fell to the ground. Hermione was panic-stricken as she jumped forward and rolled Blaise onto his back to check him over, only to be met with his hysterical laughter.

He was howling as Hermione smacked his arm and stood up. "I...am...sorry... I... couldn't... help... myself!" He gasped in-between sobs.

"Blaise, that was not funny!" Hermione croaked out. "You damn near gave me a heart attack!"

But that just made Blaise laugh even louder. Hermione folded her arms, sulking, turning to Harry, who himself was trying not to laugh at what just happened. "Harry James Potter, don't you dare!" She warned, causing Harry to sober up very quickly and hold his hands up in surrender.

"I have been on the receiving end of Hermione's hexes. They are not fun! I take back my laughing, and I love you," he batted his eyes at her, causing her to smirk.

"Well damn, if the infamous, brave Harry Potter is shivering in his boots at you, you must be scary Hermione," Blaise said as he jumped up and straightened himself up. "My apologies, my lady," he bowed.

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