Seeking....A Kiss?

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Draco was counting down the clock until he could get out of the exam room. He finished his paper ages ago and was pretty confident that, thanks to Hermione's help he had nailed it. Now all he wanted to get out of this room and go and find his girl. 

It had only been five or six hours but he bloody missed her. 

He laughed at how much someone could change his life, so significantly in such a short space of time. This girl. This bright eyed, frizzy haired beauty that he had watched for over 6 years as she walked around school, happily chatting her her friends, bring the best at everthing and defending the school against every force of evil there was. She was incredible. And yet she loved him. He would never, not as long as he lived, understand that. 

But he would be forever grateful.

The years he had spent watching her, pining over her, broke him. But he had to keep his distance. His father and mother told him to play his part well, and he would survive. That was what it was all about after all - survival. 

And more than his own life, he wanted to protect hers. The muggle-born witch that he had spent years watching over while acting the bully. He had to protect hers. He played his part so well over the years, sneering at her, making nasty comments to her and her friends. So much so that he was sure she hated him. 

Draco knew that he had made many, many, many, many mistakes over the years. He was a dumb idiot. If he could go back, he would make so many bloody changes. He often thought about it. What if he had joined the order? Turned spy like Snape? What if instead of trying to kill Dumbledore, he went straight to him and told him of the mark and the task? Would things have been different? He and Harry could have been an allies for years instead of enemies. And maybe he would have gotten his girl sooner?

When the bell chimed, he was the first one on his feet, passing his papers to the judicator and chucking his quill and ink bottles into the buckets. He was the first one out of the room. He wasn't exactly sure where she would be, but he was excited to -

"Looking for me?"

He turned and looked straight ahead. There was Hermione, sitting on the wall that led to the courtyard. She was positively glowing. He ran at her, dropping his bag and lifting her off the wall, pulling her down to his height and kissing her before swinging her around in a hug. 

"I take it the exam went well?" She giggled. 

"Yes, it did. Thanks to you and your revision cards. I mean, you covered every question that was on that paper. I aced it thanks to you." He kissed her again. 

"I was happy to help," She smiled as she put her arms around him. "And now we are free."

"Yes, we are," he smiled as he picked up his backpack and they headed off into the courtyard with the rest of their year. Some of the guys were throwing quaffles about, some of the girls were sunbat, ing and their little group of friends were sitting by a large tree. 

"Exam go OK?" Harry asked still looking puffy eyed and emotional. 

"Yeah it did," Draco smiled. " OK?"

"Just your stupid girlfriend, relaying messages from my parents." Harry said as if it was no big deal.

"I'm sorry what?" Luna asked.

Harry quickly explained what Hermione had told him and Blaise when they went on their walk. No one spoke for a few minutes. It was obvious that Hermione did not make up what she was saying. Pansy had heard of Bardo before some of her relatives. 

"Wait, is this why you couldn't come to see the Thestrals with me?" Luna asked Blaise. "You were on a walk with Hermione and Harry? Why didn't you just say that? Why all the secrecy?" 

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